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Джек Лондон

though [Dqu], thrice [TraIs], length [leNT]

Eager-footed, they took the trail, and even he, Koskoosh, slow of sight and an unversed tracker, could have followed it blind, it was so wide. Hot were they on the heels of the chase, reading the grim tragedy, fresh-written, at every step. Now they came to where the moose had made a stand. Thrice the length of a grown man's body, in every direction, had the snow been stamped about and uptossed. In the midst were the deep impressions of the splay-hoofed game, and all about, everywhere, were the lighter footmarks of the wolves. Some, while their brothers harried the kill, had lain to one side and rested. The full-stretched impress of their bodies in the snow was as perfect as though made the moment before. One wolf had been caught in a wild lunge of the maddened victim and trampled to death. A few bones, well picked, bore witness.

Again, they ceased the uplift of their snowshoes at a second stand (снова они замедлили подъем своих лыж при второй остановке; snow — снег; shoe — туфля, колодка). Here the great animal had fought desperately (здесь /это/ крупное животное сражалось отчаянно; to fight). Twice had he been dragged down (дважды его опрокидывали: «оно было стащено вниз = сбито с ног»), as the snow attested (как свидетельствовал снег), and twice had he shaken his assailants clear and gained footing once more (и дважды он стряхивал своих противников и поднимался на ноги снова; clear — ясный; to shake clear — стряхнуть; to gain — получать, приобретать, добиваться). He had done his task long since (он выполнил свою задачу давно), but none the less was life dear to him (но, тем не менее, жизнь была дорога ему). Zing-ha said it was a strange thing, a moose once down to get free again (Зинг-ха сказал /что/ это было странно, чтобы лось, однажды опрокинутый, снова освободился); but this one certainly had (но этот /лось/ несомненно сделал /так/). The shaman would see signs and wonders in this when they told him (шаман увидит знаки и чудеса в этом, когда они расскажут ему).