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Джек Лондон

foe [fqu], spruce [sprHs], rear [rIq]

And yet again, they came to where the moose had made to mount the bank and gain the timber. But his foes had laid on from behind, till he reared and fell back upon them, crushing two deep into the snow. It was plain the kill was at hand, for their brothers had left them untouched. Two more stands were hurried past, brief in time-length and very close together. The trail was red now, and the clean stride of the great beast had grown short and slovenly. Then they heard the first sounds of the battle — not the full-throated chorus of the chase, but the short, snappy bark which spoke of close quarters and teeth to flesh. Crawling up the wind, Zing-ha bellied it through the snow, and with him crept he, Koskoosh, who was to be chief of the tribesmen in the years to come. Together they shoved aside the under branches of a young spruce and peered forth. It was the end they saw.

The picture (эта картина), like all of youth's impressions (как все впечатления юности), was still strong with him (была еще сильна в нем: «с ним»), and his dim eyes watched the end played out as vividly as in that far-off time (и его тусклые глаза смотрели на конец, /который/ разворачивался так ясно, как в то далекое время). Koskoosh marvelled at this (Коскуш удивился этому), for in the days which followed (потому что в те дни, которые последовали), when he was a leader of men and a head of councillors (когда он был вождем людей и главой членов совета; council — совет /орган власти/; councillor — советник), he had done great deeds and made his name a curse in the mouths of the Pellys (он совершил великие деяния и сделал свое имя проклятием в устах племени пелли), to say naught of the strange white man he had killed, knife to knife, in open fight (не говоря о неизвестном белом человеке, /которого/ он убил ножом: «нож к ножу» в открытом бою).

councillor ['kaunslq], naught [nLt], impression [Im'preS(q)n]

The picture, like all of youth's impressions, was still strong with him, and his dim eyes watched the end played out as vividly as in that far-off time. Koskoosh marvelled at this, for in the days which followed, when he was a leader of men and a head of councillors, he had done great deeds and made his name a curse in the mouths of the Pellys, to say naught of the strange white man he had killed, knife to knife, in open fight.

For long he pondered on the days of his youth (долго он размышлял о днях своей юности), till the fire died down and the frost bit deeper (пока огонь потух и мороз стал кусать сильнее). He replenished it with two sticks this time (он пополнил его /костер/ двумя палками сразу), and gauged his grip on life by what remained (и измерил свою власть над жизнью тем, что осталось). If Sit-cum-to-ha had only remembered her grandfather (если бы Сит-кум-то-ха только подумала о своем деде), and gathered a larger armful (и собрала побольше охапку), his hours would have been longer (его часы были бы дольше). It would have been easy (это было бы легко). But she was ever a careless child (но она всегда была очень беззаботным ребенком), and honored not her ancestors from the time the Beaver (и не почитала/не уважала своих предков с /того/ времени, как Бобер), son of the son of Zing-ha, first cast eyes upon her (сын сына Зинг-ха, впервые бросил взгляд на нее). Well, what mattered it (ну, не все ли равно: «какое это имело значение»)? Had he not done likewise in his own quick youth (разве он не делал подобно в своей собственной короткой молодости)? For a while he listened to the silence (некоторое время он вслушивался в тишину; while — промежуток времени). Perhaps the heart of his son might soften (может быть, сердце его сына смягчится), and he would come back with the dogs to take his old father on with the tribe (и он вернется с собаками, /чтобы/ забрать своего старого отца с племенем) to where the caribou ran thick and the fat hung heavy upon them (туда, где стада карибу бегут толстые и /с/ жирными боками: «и жир висит тяжело на них»).