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Илья Михайлович Франк

“A week!” said Pooh gloomily (неделю! — сказал Пух мрачно). “What about meals (/а/ как насчет покушать)?”

“I'm afraid no meals,” said Christopher Robin (боюсь, никаких покушать, — сказал Кристофер Робин), “because of getting thin quicker (из-за похудения побыстрее = если хочешь поскорее похудеть). But we will read to you (но мы будем читать тебе).”

read [], convenient [], gloomily []

“You can stay here all right, silly old Bear. It's getting you out which is so difficult.”

“We'll read to you,” said Rabbit cheerfully. “And I hope it won't snow,” he added. “And I say, old fellow, you're taking up a good deal of room in my house — do you mind if I use your back legs as a towel-horse? Because, I mean, there they are — doing nothing — and it would be very convenient just to hang the towels on them.”

“A week!” said Pooh gloomily. “What about meals?”

“I'm afraid no meals,” said Christopher Robin, “because of getting thin quicker. But we will read to you.”

Bear began to sigh, and then found he couldn't (Медведь начал вздыхать и тогда обнаружил, что /он/ не может) because he was so tightly stuck (потому что он так плотно застрял; to stick — втыкать, совать; завязнуть, застрять); and a tear rolled down his eye, as he said (и слеза покатилась из его глаза, когда он сказал):

“Then would you read a Sustaining Book (тогда /не/ почитаете ли вы мне какую-нибудь Подкрепляющую Книгу; to sustain — поддерживать /морально и материально/; придавать силы), such as would help and comfort a Wedged Bear in Great Tightness (такую, которая бы помогла и утешила Заклиненного Медведя в Великой Стесненности; wedge — клин; to wedge — втискивать, загонять)?”

So for a week Christopher Robin read that sort of book at the North end of Pooh (и так неделю Кристофер Робин читал такую книгу у Северного конца Пуха), and Rabbit hung his washing on the South end (а Кролик вешал свое белье на Южный конец)… and in between Bear felt himself getting slenderer and slenderer (а тем временем Медведь чувствовал себя становящимся худее и худее = как он становится все стройнее и стройнее). And at the end of the week Christopher Robin said, “Now (а в конце недели Кристофер Робин сказал: сейчас = пора)!”

found [], tear [], South []

Bear began to sigh, and then found he couldn't because he was so tightly stuck; and a tear rolled down his eye, as he said:

“Then would you read a Sustaining Book, such as would help and comfort a Wedged Bear in Great Tightness?”

So for a week Christopher Robin read that sort of book at the North end of Pooh, and Rabbit hung his washing on the South end… and in between Bear felt himself getting slenderer and slenderer. And at the end of the week Christopher Robin said, “Now!”

So he took hold of Pooh's front paws (итак, он ухватился за передние лапки Пуха) and Rabbit took hold of Christopher Robin (а Кролик ухватился за Кристофера Робина), and all Rabbit's friends and relations took hold of Rabbit (а все друзья и родственники Кролика ухватились за Кролика), and they all pulled together (и они потянули все вместе)…