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Илья Михайлович Франк

Английский язык с Винни-Пухом

Часть I

Alexander Alan Milne


Александр Алан Милн


Медведь сказал, что он хотел бы волнующее имя исключительно для себя), Christopher Robin said at once (Кристофер Робин сказал сразу), without stopping to think (не задумываясь: «без останавливания подумать»), that he was Winnie-the-Pooh (что он был = будет Винни-Пух). And he was (и он им был = стал). So, as I have explained the Pooh part (итак, поскольку я объяснил часть «Пух»), I will now explain the rest of it (я сейчас объясню оставшуюся часть /имени/: «остальное его»).

another [], once [wʌns], swan [swɒn]

If you happen to have read another book about Christopher Robin, you may remember that he once had a swan (or the swan had Christopher Robin, I don't know which) and that he used to call this swan Pooh. That was a long time ago, and when we said good-bye, we took the name with us, as we didn't think the swan would want it any more. Well, when Edward Bear said that he would like an exciting name all to himself, Christopher Robin said at once, without stopping to think, that he was Winnie-the-Pooh. And he was. So, as I have explained the Pooh part, I will now explain the rest of it.