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Илья Михайлович Франк

trespasser [], board [], grandfather []

THE Piglet lived in a very grand house in the middle of a beech-tree, and the beech-tree was in the middle of the forest, and the Piglet lived in the middle of the house. Next to his house was a piece of broken board which had: “TRESPASSERS W” on it. When Christopher Robin asked the Piglet what it meant, he said it was his grandfather's name, and had been in the family for a long time. Christopher Robin said you couldn't be called Trespassers W, and Piglet said yes, you could, because his grandfather was, and it was short for Trespassers Will, which was short for Trespassers William. And his grandfather had had two names in case he lost one — Trespassers after an uncle, and William after Trespassers.

“I've got two names (у меня два имени),” said Christopher Robin carelessly (сказал беспечно Кристофер Робин).

“Well, there you are, that proves it,” said Piglet (ну, вот видишь, это доказывает то, /что я говорил/, — сказал Пятачок).

One fine winter's day when Piglet was brushing away the snow in front of his house (в один прекрасный зимний день, когда Пятачок сметал снег перед домом), he happened to look up, and there was Winnie-the-Pooh (он случайно поднял глаза, и там оказался = как раз был Винни-Пух). Pooh was walking round and round in a circle, thinking of something else (Пух ходил и ходил по кругу, думая о чем-то /там/ еще), and when Piglet called to him (и когда Пятачок позвал его), he just went on walking (он просто продолжал идти).

prove [], circle [], round []

“I've got two names,” said Christopher Robin carelessly.

“Well, there you are, that proves it,” said Piglet.

One fine winter's day when Piglet was brushing away the snow in front of his house, he happened to look up, and there was Winnie-the-Pooh. Pooh was walking round and round in a circle, thinking of something else, and when Piglet called to him, he just went on walking.

“Hallo!” said Piglet, “what are you doing (эй! — сказал Пятачок, — что ты делаешь)?”

“Hunting,” said Pooh (охочусь, — сказал Пух).

“Hunting what (охотишься на что = кого)?”

“Tracking something (кое-кого выслеживаю),” said Winnie-the-Pooh very mysteriously (сказал Винни-Пух очень таинственно).

“Tracking what?” said Piglet, coming closer (выслеживаешь кого? — спросил Пятачок, подходя ближе).

“That's just what I ask myself (это как раз то, о чем я спрашиваю себя = как раз об этом я себя и спрашиваю). I ask myself, What (я спрашиваю себя, на Кого)?”