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Анна Ивановна Григорьева

верхушка айсберга

the tip of the iceberg

The reported cases of the disease might be only the tip of the iceberg.

вечный сон the long sleep

вешать голову

to lose heart; to look down in the mouth

Don’t lose heart, even when you’re faced with serious difficulties.

She looked very down in the mouth when I told her that I couldn’t go with her.

взад и вперед

back and forth; to and fro; up and down; backwards and forwards

The lion was pacing back and forth inside the cage.

She walked to and fro in the hospital waiting room.

We’ve been running up and down the street looking for you.

The pendulum was moving slowly backwards and forwards.

взбредать в голову (кому-л.)

to take it into one’s head

Ann took it into her head to become an actress.

взвешивать свои слова

to weigh one’s words

I had to weigh my words carefully before asking my boss for more pay.

видать виды (много испытать)

to see the world; to go through the mill

He had the appearance of a man who has seen the world.

The young soldiers really went through the mill during the first two months of their training.

видать виды (поношенный)

have seen better days

My old hat has seen better days.

видеть насквозь (кого-л.)

to read someone like a book

You won’t deceive me with your lies. I can read you like a book.

видеть свет в конце туннеля to see the light at the end of the tunnel

видит Бог

honest to God/goodness!

I didn’t break the window, honest to God!

винтика в голове не хватает (у кого-л.)

to have a screw loose; to have bats in the belfry

He must have a screw loose to walk around barefoot.

The poor old woman had bats in the belfry.

висеть на волоске

to hang by a thread

His life was hanging by a thread.

висеть над головой (у кого-л.)

to hang over one’s head

The threat of dismissal hung over my head.

витать в облаках

to have one’s head in the clouds

The new secretary must be in love. She has her head in the clouds most of the time.

вить веревки (из кого-л.)

to twist/wrap someone round one’s little finger

His wife can twist him round her little finger.

владеть собой

to keep one’s temper

You should learn to keep your temper.

власти предержащие

the powers that be

The powers that be have decided to demolish the old building to make space for a car park.

влетать в копеечку (кому-л.)

to cost someone a pretty penny

That house must have cost them a pretty penny.

вместе с водой выплеснуть и ребенка

to throw the baby out with the bath water

I know there are weaknesses in the programme but we shouldn’t act too hastily and throw the baby out with the bath water.

вне себя

beside oneself

She was beside herself with joy when she heard the news about her son.

вносить свою лепту

to do one’s bit

We must all do our bit to finish this job in time.

во весь голос

at the top of one’s voice

He was shouting at the top of his voice.

во весь опор

at full tilt; for all one is worth

The boy was running at full tilt down the street.

I ran to the station for all I was worth to catch the last train.