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Джек Лондон

gauge [geIG], hour ['auq], honor ['Onq]

For long he pondered on the days of his youth, till the fire died down and the frost bit deeper. He replenished it with two sticks this time, and gauged his grip on life by what remained. If Sit-cum-to-ha had only remembered her grandfather, and gathered a larger armful, his hours would have been longer. It would have been easy. But she was ever a careless child, and honored not her ancestors from the time the Beaver, son of the son of Zing-ha, first cast eyes upon her. Well, what mattered it? Had he not done likewise in his own quick youth? For a while he listened to the silence. Perhaps the heart of his son might soften, and he would come back with the dogs to take his old father on with the tribe to where the caribou ran thick and the fat hung heavy upon them.

He strained his ears (он напряг свои уши = свой слух), his restless brain for the moment stilled (его тревожный мозг на мгновение успокоился). Not a stir, nothing (ни звука, ничего; stir — шевеление, движение). He alone took breath in the midst of the great silence (он один переводил дух посереди полной тишины). It was very lonely (было очень одиноко). Hark (чу)! What was that (что это было)? A chill passed over his body (дрожь прошла по его телу). The familiar, long-drawn howl broke the void (знакомый, протяжный вой разбил пустоту), and it was close at hand (и он был недалеко: «плотно/близко под рукой»). Then on his darkened eyes was projected the vision of the moose (затем перед его затуманенными глазами вырисовалось видение лося) — the old bull moose — the torn flanks and bloody sides (старого самца — истерзанные и окровавленные бока; flank — бочок /мясистая часть между ребрами и бедром/; side — сторона, бок), the riddled mane (взъерошенная грива), and the great branching horns (и большие ветвистые рога), down low and tossing to the last (пригибая /их/ книзу и кидаясь до последнего; to toss — бросать, кидать, метать; трясти). He saw the flashing forms of gray (он видел мелькающие очертания серых /тел/), the gleaming eyes (светящиеся глаза), the lolling tongues (высунутые языки; to loll — высовывать язык), the slavered fangs (слюну, стекающую с клыков; to slaver — пускать слюну). And he saw the inexorable circle close in till it became a dark point in the midst of the stamped snow (и он видел, как неумолимый круг смыкался, пока не стал темной точкой посреди истоптанного снега).