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Джек Лондон

Well, he would have company (ну, у него будет компания = он будет не один). If Gabriel ever broke the silence of the North (если Гавриил когда-нибудь нарушит молчание Севера), they would stand together (они будут стоять вместе), hand in hand (рука об руку), before the great White Throne (перед великим Белым Престолом). And God would judge them (а Бог будет судить их), God would judge them (Бог будет судить их)!

Then Percy Cuthfert closed his eyes and dropped off to sleep (потом Перси Катферт закрыл глаза и провалился в сон; to drop off — падать; засыпать; умереть).

grew [grH], Gabriel ['geIbrIql], judge [GAG]

Hark! The wind-vane must be surely spinning. No; a mere singing in his ears. That was all, — a mere singing. The ice must have passed the latch by now. More likely the upper hinge was covered. Between the moss-chinked roof-poles, little points of frost began to appear. How slowly they grew! No; not so slowly. There was a new one, and there another. Two — three — four; they were coming too fast to count. There were two growing together. And there, a third had joined them. Why, there were no more spots. They had run together and formed a sheet.

Well, he would have company. If Gabriel ever broke the silence of the North, they would stand together, hand in hand, before the great White Throne. And God would judge them, God would judge them!

Then Percy Cuthfert closed his eyes and dropped off to sleep.


(Закон жизни)

Old Koskoosh listened greedily (старый Коскуш прислушался жадно). Though his sight had long since faded (/и/ хотя его зрение давно ослабло), his hearing was still acute (его слух был по-прежнему острым), and the slightest sound penetrated to the glimmering intelligence (и малейший/слабейший звук проникал в мерцающий ум) which yet abode behind the withered forehead (который еще обитал под сморщенным лбом), but which no longer gazed forth upon the things of the world (но который не был более направлен на вещи мира). Ah! That was Sit-cum-to-ha, shrilly anathematizing the dogs (то была Сит-кум-то-ха, пронзительно проклинающая собак) as she cuffed and beat them into the harnesses (в то время как она шлепала/ударяла рукой и била их, /одевая/ в упряжь). Sit-cum-to-ha was his daughter's daughter (Сит-кум-то-ха была дочерью его дочери), but she was too busy to waste a thought upon her broken grandfather (но она была слишком занята, чтобы тратить время на своего дряхлого деда; thought — мысль; to waste — тратить впустую), sitting alone there in the snow (сидящего одиноко там на снегу), forlorn and helpless (покинутого и беспомощного). Camp must be broken (лагерь должен быть свернут). The long trail waited while the short day refused to linger (долгая тропа/дорога ждала = предстояла, в то время как короткий день отказывался задержаться; trail — след; тропа). Life called her (жизнь звала ее), and the duties of life, not death (и обязанности жизни, /а/ не смерть). And he was very close to death now (а он был очень близко к смерти теперь).