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Джек Лондон

zero ['zIqrqu], temperature ['temprICq], eulogy ['jHlqGI]

How quickly the cabin cooled! The fire must be out. The cold was forcing in. It must be below zero already, and the ice creeping up the inside of the door. He could not see it, but his past experience enabled him to gauge its progress by the cabin's temperature. The lower hinge must be white ere now. Would the tale of this ever reach the world? How would his friends take it? They would read it over their coffee, most likely, and talk it over at the clubs. He could see them very clearly. "Poor old Cuthfert," they murmured; "not such a bad sort of a chap, after all." He smiled at their eulogies, and passed on in search of a Turkish bath.

It was the same old crowd upon the streets (на улицах была та же прежняя толпа). Strange, they did not notice his moosehide moccasins and tattered German socks (странно, они не замечали его мокасинов из лосиной кожи и изорванных немецких носков)! He would take a cab (он возьмет кэб). And after the bath a shave would not be bad (а после бани неплохо бы побриться). No; he would eat first (нет, он сначала поест). Steak, and potatoes, and green things (бифштекс, картофель и зелень), — how fresh it all was (каким свежим все это было)! And what was that (а что было то)? Squares of honey (медовые соты), streaming liquid amber (стекающие жидким янтарем)! But why did they bring so much (но почему /они/ принесли так много)? Ha! ha! he could never eat it all (ха-ха, он никогда не сможет съесть это все). Shine (почистите)! Why certainly (ну, разумеется). He put his foot on the box (он поставил ногу на ящик). The bootblack looked curiously up at him (чистильщик сапог странно посмотрел вверх на него = поднял взгляд и странно посмотрел на него), and he remembered his moosehide moccasins and went away hastily (и он вспомнил о своих мокасинах из лосиной кожи и поспешно пошел прочь).

bath [bRT], steak [steIk], honey ['hAnI]

It was the same old crowd upon the streets. Strange, they did not notice his moosehide moccasins and tattered German socks! He would take a cab. And after the bath a shave would not be bad. No; he would eat first. Steak, and potatoes, and green things, — how fresh it all was! And what was that? Squares of honey, streaming liquid amber! But why did they bring so much? Ha! ha! he could never eat it all. Shine! Why certainly. He put his foot on the box. The bootblack looked curiously up at him, and he remembered his moosehide moccasins and went away hastily.

Hark (чу; hark — слушай! чу!)! The wind-vane must be surely spinning (наверняка крутится флюгер). No; a mere singing in his ears (нет, это лишь звон в ушах; to sing — звенеть в ушах; испытывать звон в ушах). That was all, — a mere singing (это был всего лишь звон). The ice must have passed the latch by now (сейчас лед, наверное, миновал щеколду). More likely the upper hinge was covered (вероятно, покрылась /льдом/ верхняя петля). Between the moss-chinked roof-poles (между законопаченными мхом щелями в крыше), little points of frost began to appear (начали появляться маленькие точки инея). How slowly they grew (как медленно они росли)! No; not so slowly (нет, не так уж медленно). There was a new one, and there another (там появилась новая, а там еще одна). Two — three — four (две — три — четыре); they were coming too fast to count (они появлялись слишком быстро, чтобы считать /их/). There were two growing together (появились две, срастающихся). And there, a third had joined them (а там к ним присоединилась третья). Why, there were no more spots (ну вот, больше нет пятен). They had run together and formed a sheet (они сбежались = слились и образовали саван; sheet — простыня; полотно, холст; саван; лист).