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Джек Лондон

inert [I'nWt], familiar [fq'mIlIq], might [maIt]

Percy Cuthfert felt his strength leave him. The lower portion of his body was useless. The inert weight of Weatherbee crushed him, — crushed him and pinned him there like a bear under a trap. The cabin became filled with a familiar odor, and he knew the bread to be burning. Yet what did it matter? He would never need it. And there were all of six cupfuls of sugar in the cache, — if he had foreseen this he would not have been so saving the last several days. Would the wind-vane ever move? It might even be veering now. Why not? Had he not seen the sun to-day? He would go and see. No; it was impossible to move. He had not thought the clerk so heavy a man.

How quickly the cabin cooled (как быстро остывала хижина)! The fire must be out (должно быть, погас огонь). The cold was forcing in (холод втискивался вовнутрь). It must be below zero already (наверное, уже ниже нуля), and the ice creeping up the inside of the door (и лед крадется вверх по внутренней части двери). He could not see it (он не видел этого), but his past experience enabled him to gauge its progress by the cabin's temperature (но прошлый опыт позволил ему оценить его продвижение по температуре в избушке). The lower hinge must be white ere now (нижняя дверная петля должна быть уже белой; ere this/now — уже). Would the tale of this ever reach the world (дойдет ли когда-нибудь до мира рассказ об этом)? How would his friends take it (как его воспримут его друзья)? They would read it over their coffee, most likely (они будут читать его за кофе, скорее всего; most likely — весьма правдоподобно, вероятнее всего), and talk it over at the clubs (и обсуждать в клубах). He could see them very clearly (он видел их очень четко). "Poor old Cuthfert (бедный старина Катферт)," they murmured (шептали они); "not such a bad sort of a chap, after all (не такой уж и плохой парень, в конечном счете)." He smiled at their eulogies (он улыбнулся их панегирикам), and passed on in search of a Turkish bath (и пошел дальше в поисках турецкой бани; in search of — в поисках).