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Джек Лондон

guide [gaId], door [dL], task [tRsk]

That consummation was reached; that something they had whispered to him in his dreams was about to happen. They guided him gently, very gently, to the woodpile, where they put the axe in his hands. Then they helped him shove open the cabin door, and he felt sure they shut it after him, — at least he heard it slam and the latch fall sharply into place. And he knew they were waiting just without, waiting for him to do his task.

"Carter! I say, Carter (послушай, Картер)!"

Percy Cuthfert was frightened at the look on the clerk's face (Перси Катферт был испуган видом лица конторщика), and he made haste to put the table between them (и он поспешил поставить стол между ними).

Carter Weatherbee followed (Картер Уэзерби преследовал /его/), without haste and without enthusiasm (без спешки и без исступления). There was neither pity nor passion in his face (на его лице не было ни сострадания, ни гнева; passion — вспышка гнева), but rather the patient, stolid look of one who has certain work to do and goes about it methodically (но скорее терпеливое, бесстрастное выражение лица человека, которому нужно выполнить какую-то работу, и он методично приступает к ней; to go about — начинать /что-либо; делать что-либо/, приступать /к чему-либо/).

haste [heIst], enthusiasm [In'TjHzIxzm], patient ['peISqnt]

"Carter! I say, Carter!"

Percy Cuthfert was frightened at the look on the clerk's face, and he made haste to put the table between them.

Carter Weatherbee followed, without haste and without enthusiasm. There was neither pity nor passion in his face, but rather the patient, stolid look of one who has certain work to do and goes about it methodically.

"I say, what's the matter (послушай, в чем дело)?"

The clerk dodged back (клерк увернулся назад), cutting off his retreat to the door (отрезая отступление к двери), but never opening his mouth (но так и не открыл рта).

"I say, Carter, I say (послушай, Картер, послушай); let's talk (давай поговорим). There’s a good chap (ты же хороший парень)."

The master of arts was thinking rapidly, now (теперь магистр искусств думал быстро), shaping a skillful flank movement on the bed (сделав ловкое боковое движение к кровати; to shape — делать по какому-либо образцу; продумывать, планировать) where his Smith & Wesson lay (на которой лежал его «смит-вессон»; to lie — лежать). Keeping his eyes on the madman (не сводя глаз с сумасшедшего: «сохраняя глаза на сумасшедшем»), he rolled backward on the bunk (он перекатился назад по койке), at the same time clutching the pistol (одновременно схватив пистолет; at the same time — одновременно).