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Джек Лондон

There were tears in their eyes as they sought each other (в их глазах были слезы, когда они искали друг друга; to seek — искать, разыскивать). A strange softening came over them (необычное смягчение = благодушие охватило их; to soften — смягчать, облегчать /боль, страдание/; становиться мягче, добрее, нежнее). They felt irresistibly drawn toward each other (они почувствовали, как их неудержимо тянет друг к другу). The sun was coming back again (солнце снова возвращалось). It would be with them to-morrow (оно будет с ними завтра), and the next day, and the next (и на следующий день, и на следующий). And it would stay longer every visit (и с каждым приходом оно будет оставаться дольше), and a time would come (и наступит время) when it would ride their heaven day and night (когда оно будет скользить по небу днем и ночью), never once dropping below the sky-line (никогда не опускаясь ниже линии горизонта). There would be no night (не будет ночи). The ice-locked winter would be broken (закованная в лед зима прекратится); the winds would blow and the forests answer (подуют ветры, и /им/ ответят леса); the land would bathe in the blessed sunshine (земля будет купаться в благословенном солнечном свете), and life renew (и возродится жизнь). Hand in hand (рука об руку), they would quit this horrid dream (они покинут этот ужасный сон) and journey back to the Southland (и отправятся назад на Юг). They lurched blindly forward (они пошли, пошатываясь, как слепые, вперед), and their hands met (и их руки встретились), — their poor maimed hands (их бедные покалеченные руки), swollen and distorted beneath their mittens (распухшие и деформированные под варежками).

irresistibly ["IrI'zIstqblI], heaven [hevn], poor [puq]

There were tears in their eyes as they sought each other. A strange softening came over them. They felt irresistibly drawn toward each other. The sun was coming back again. It would be with them to-morrow, and the next day, and the next. And it would stay longer every visit, and a time would come when it would ride their heaven day and night, never once dropping below the sky-line. There would be no night. The ice-locked winter would be broken; the winds would blow and the forests answer; the land would bathe in the blessed sunshine, and life renew. Hand in hand, they would quit this horrid dream and journey back to the Southland. They lurched blindly forward, and their hands met, — their poor maimed hands, swollen and distorted beneath their mittens.