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Илья Франк

«In two weeks,» said the king, «I will be in Nottingham. I will take Robin Hood myself, and I will take Sir Richard of the Lee. Ride back now to Nottingham and get bowmen from all the country round.»

Meanwhile, the sheriffs men left their places round the castle and went back to Nottingham (тем временем люди шерифа оставили свои позиции вокруг замка и вернулись в Ноттингем; place — пространство; местонахождение, местоположение /какого-либо лица, вещи/; to go back — возвращаться, приходить назад). So Robin Hood and his men went into the greenwood (поэтому Робин Гуд и его люди вышли = вернулись в зеленый лес).

The Sheriff of Nottingham wanted to catch Robin, but he couldn't (шериф Ноттингемский хотел схватить Робина, но не смог).

«I can't catch Robin Hood (я не могу захватить Робина Гуда),» he thought, «but I can catch Sir Richard of the Lee if he comes out of his castle (но я могу схватить сэра Ричарда из Ли, если он выйдет из своего замка).»

meanwhile ['mi:nwaIl], wanted ['wOntId], can't [kQ:nt]

Meanwhile, the sheriffs men left their places round the castle and went back to Nottingham. So Robin Hood and his men went into the greenwood.

The Sheriff of Nottingham wanted to catch Robin, but he couldn't. «I can't catch Robin Hood,» he thought, «but I can catch Sir Richard of the Lee if he comes out of his castle.»

The sheriff sent a man to the knight's castle (шериф отправил человека к замку рыцаря).

«I come from Robin Hood (я пришел от Робина Гуда),» said this man. «He needs you (ты ему нужен). Please come to help him (пожалуйста, приди ему на помощь). I'll lead you (я отведу тебя).»

And that is how the Sheriff of Nottingham caught Sir Richard of the Lee (и вот так шериф Ноттингемский захватил сэра Ричарда из Ли; to catch — схватить, поймать). With a lot of soldiers he took the knight along the road to Nottingham (с большим количеством солдат он захватил рыцаря на дороге в Ноттингем).

I [aI], he [hi:], you [ju:], him [hIm], soldier ['squldZq]

The sheriff sent a man to the knight's castle.

«I come from Robin Hood,» said this man. «He needs you. Please come to help him. I'll lead you.»

And that is how the Sheriff of Nottingham caught Sir Richard of the Lee. With a lot of soldiers he took the knight along the road to Nottingham.

A woman saw them go (одна женщина увидела, как они уезжают), and she ran into the greenwood and found Robin Hood (она побежала в зеленый лес и отыскала Робина Гуда; to find — найти).

«Robin Hood,» she cried, «they have taken Sir Richard of the Lee (сэр Ричард из Ли схвачен)!»

«Who has taken him (кто захватил его)?» asked Robin.

«The Sheriff of Nottingham.»

woman ['wumqn], them [Dem], she [Si:], found [faund]

A woman saw them go, and she ran into the greenwood and found Robin Hood.

«Robin Hood,» she cried, «they have taken Sir Richard of the Lee!»

«Who has taken him?» asked Robin. «The Sheriff of Nottingham.»