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Илья Франк

Sometimes he had to put him on the ground to shoot at the men who came after them. Then he took him up again and went on.

They came to a strong castle just inside the forest. It was Sir Richard's castle, and the knight welcomed Robin Hood and all his men.

«I'm not afraid of the Sheriff of Nottingham,» he said. «Come in, and we'll shut up the castle and shoot from the walls.»

Chapter 12


(Робин Гуд спасает сэра Ричарда из Ли)

The Sheriff of Nottingham got more men from his friends (шериф из Ноттингема заполучил еще больше людей от своих друзей). He led them to the castle of Sir Richhard of the Lee (он повел их к замку сэра Ричарда из Ли; to lead — вести).

«You are helping the king's enemies (ты помогаешь врагам короля),» he shouted to Sir Richard (прокричал он сэру Ричарду). «You must let me come into your castle to take them (ты должен позволить мне войти в твой замок, чтобы схватить их).»

more [mO:], enemy ['enImI], enemies ['enImIz], shout [Saut]

The Sheriff of Nottingham got more men from his friends. He led them to the castle of Sir Richhard of the Lee.

«You are helping the king's enemies,» he shouted to Sir Richard. «You must let me come into your castle to take them.»

«I don't know that my friends are the king's enemies (я не знал, что мои друзья — враги короля),» Sir Richard answered. «You can't come into my castle (ты не можешь войти в мой замок). We must know what the king says (мы должны узнать, что говорит сам король).»

The sheriff rode hard to London (шериф во весь опор поскакал в Лондон; hard — жесткий; энергично, активно, сильно). He told the king about Sir Richard, about Robin Hood, and about the brave bowmen (он рассказал королю о сэре Ричарде, о Робине Гуде и обо всех храбрых лучниках).

know [nqu], sir [sq:], hard [hQ:d], London ['lAndqn]

«I don't know that my friends are the king's enemies,» Sir Richard answered. «You can't come into my castle. We must know what the king says.»

The sheriff rode hard to London. He told the king about Sir Richard, about Robin Hood, and about the brave bowmen.

«This Robin Hood is an outlaw (этот Робин Гуд — разбойник),» he said. «He and his men shoot your deer in the forest (он и его люди стреляют твоих оленей в лесу). They take money from lords and good churchmen (они отбирают деньги у феодалов и добрых священников). They are your enemies, and we must stop them (они твои враги, и мы должны остановить их).»

«In two weeks (через две недели),» said the king, «I will be in Nottingham (я буду в Ноттингеме). I will take Robin Hood myself (я сам захвачу Робина Гуда), and I will take Sir Richard of the Lee (и я сам захвачу сэра Ричарда из Ли). Ride back now to Nottingham and get bowmen from all the country round (а теперь скачи назад, в Ноттингем, и собери лучников со всей округи; all the country round — по всей стране).»

week [wi:k], Nottingham ['nOtINqm], myself [maI'self], country ['kAntrI], round [raund]

«This Robin Hood is an outlaw,» he said. «He and his men shoot your deer in the forest. They take money from lords and good churchmen. They are your enemies, and we must stop them.»