Читать «Английский язык с Робин Гудом» онлайн - страница 59

Илья Франк

Here lies brave Robin Hood (здесь покоится храбрый Робин Гуд; to lie — лежать; покоиться, быть погребенным; here lies … — здесь покоится прах …)

dying ['daIIN], grass [grQ:s], above [q'bAv], here [hIq]

«No, Little John,» said Robin, «you mustn't do that for me. I'm dying, but I never hurt a woman in my life. Don't hurt even the prioress. But give me my bow and a good arrow. I'll shoot the arrow through the window, and you can bury me in the ground where the arrow falls. Bury me with green grass under my head, and green grass at my feet. Bury my long bow at my side, and put these words above me:

Here lies brave Robin Hood