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H. G. Wells

testify [`testIfaI], though [Dqu], athwart [q`TwLt]

“A shilling — put down a shilling. Surely a shilling’s enough?”

“So be it,” said Mrs. Hall, taking up the table-cloth and beginning to spread it over the table. “If you’re satisfied, of course —”

He turned and sat down, with his coat-collar toward her.

All the afternoon he worked with the door locked and, as Mrs. Hall testifies, for the most part in silence. But once there was a concussion and a sound of bottles ringing together as though the table had been hit, and the smash of a bottle flung violently down, and then a rapid pacing athwart the room. Fearing “something was the matter,” she went to the door and listened, not caring to knock.

“I can’t go on (я не могу продолжать),” he was raving (яростно говорил он; torave— бредить, говорить бессвязно; говорить слишком возбужденно; неистовствовать). “I can’t go on (не могу продолжать). Three hundred thousand (триста тысяч), four hundred thousand (четыреста тысяч)! The huge multitude (огромное множество)! Cheated (обманут)! All my life it may take me (на это может уйти вся моя жизнь)!.. Patience (терпение)! Patience indeed (да уж, терпение = легко сказать)!.. Fool (глупец)! fool!”

There was a noise of hobnails on the bricks in the bar (в баре послышались тяжелые шаги; noise — шум, грохот, стук; hobnail — сапожныйгвоздьсбольшойшляпкой; brick — кирпич), and Mrs. Hall had very reluctantly to leave the rest of his soliloquy (и миссис Холл пришлось очень неохотно оставить остальную часть его монолога = пришлось уйти, не дослушав; soliloquy — монолог; разговорссамимсобой). When she returned the room was silent again (когда она вернулась, в комнате снова было тихо), save for the faint crepitation of his chair (не считая слабого скрипа его кресла; crepitation — потрескивание, хруст) and the occasional clink of a bottle (и редкого позвякивания бутылок). It was all over (все закончилось); the stranger had resumed work (незнакомец возобновил/продолжил работу).

thousand [`Tauz(q)nd], patience [`peIS(q)ns], soliloquy [sq`lIlqkwI]

“I can’t go on,” he was raving. “I can’t go on. Three hundred thousand, four hundred thousand! The huge multitude! Cheated! All my life it may take me!.. Patience! Patience indeed!.. Fool! fool!”

There was a noise of hobnails on the bricks in the bar, and Mrs. Hall had very reluctantly to leave the rest of his soliloquy. When she returned the room was silent again, save for the faint crepitation of his chair and the occasional clink of a bottle. It was all over; the stranger had resumed work.

When she took in his tea (когда она внесла чай) she saw broken glass in the corner of the room (то увидела битое стекло в углу комнаты; to break-broke-broken) under the concave mirror (под зеркалом; concave — вогнутый, впалый; изогнутый/например, ввидеарки/), and a golden stain (и золотистое пятно) that had been carelessly wiped (небрежно вытертое; to wipe). She called attention to it (она обратила /его/ внимание на это).