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H. G. Wells

aunt [Rnt], vaguely [`veIglI], severely [sI`vIqlI], germinated [`Gq:mIneItId]

He told Hall how his aunt at Hastings had been swindled by a stranger with empty portmanteaux. Altogether he left Hall vaguely suspicious.

“Get up, old girl,” said Hall. “I s’pose I must see ’bout this.”

Teddy trudged on his way with his mind considerably relieved.

Instead of “seeing ’bout it,” however, Hall on his return was severely rated by his wife on the length of time he had spent in Sidderbridge, and his mild inquiries were answered snappishly and in a manner not to the point. But the seed of suspicion Teddy had sown germinated in the mind of Mr. Hall in spite of these discouragements.

“You wim’ don’t know everything (вы, бабы, ничего не знаете; wim’ = women),” said Mr. Hall, resolved to ascertain more about the personality of his guest (сказал мистер Холл, решив выяснить побольше о личности постояльца) at the earliest possible opportunity (при первом удобном случае; opportunity — удобныйслучай, благоприятнаявозможность).

And after the stranger had gone to bed (после того, как незнакомец отправился спать), which he did about half-past nine (это он сделал около половины десятого: «в половину после девяти»), Mr. Hall went very aggressively into the parlour (мистер Холл очень вызывающе вошел в гостиную; aggressively — энергично, напористо; агрессивно; вызывающе) and looked very hard at his wife’s furniture (и внимательно осмотрел мебель жены; to look hard — вглядываться, уставиться), just to show that the stranger wasn’t master there (просто чтобы показать, что незнакомец здесь не хозяин = что это он здесь хозяин), and scrutinised closely and a little contemptuously (внимательно и немного презрительно поглядел; to scrutinize — внимательновсматриваться, пристальноразглядывать; to scrutinize closely — доскональноисследовать, изучать) a sheet of mathematical computations (на листок с математическими выкладками; to compute — считать; делатьвыкладки) the stranger had left (который оставил незнакомец). When retiring for the night (ложась спать; to retire for the night — пойтиспать; удалитьсянапокой) he instructed Mrs. Hall to look very closely at the stranger’s luggage (он сказал миссис Холл внимательно посмотреть на багаж незнакомца/что за багаж; to instruct — инструктировать, обучать, наставлять; даватьуказания) when it came next day (когда он прибудет завтра: «на следующий день»).

opportunity ["Opq`tjHnItI], half [hRf], contemptuously [kqn`tempCuqslI]

“You wim’ don’t know everything,” said Mr. Hall, resolved to ascertain more about the personality of his guest at the earliest possible opportunity.

And after the stranger had gone to bed, which he did about half-past nine, Mr. Hall went very aggressively into the parlour and looked very hard at his wife’s furniture, just to show that the stranger wasn’t master there, and scrutinised closely and a little contemptuously a sheet of mathematical computations the stranger had left. When retiring for the night he instructed Mrs. Hall to look very closely at the stranger’s luggage when it came next day.