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H. G. Wells

though [Dqu], prefer [prI`fq:], hesitation ["hezI`teIS(q)n], apologise [q`pOlqGaIz]

“None whatever,” said the stranger. “Though, I understand,” he said turning to Mrs. Hall, “that this room is really to be mine for my own private use.”

“I thought, sir,” said Mrs. Hall, “you’d prefer the clock —”

“Certainly,” said the stranger, “certainly — but, as a rule, I like to be alone and undisturbed.”

“But I’m really glad to have the clock seen to,” he said, seeing a certain hesitation in Mr. Henfrey’s manner. “Very glad.” Mr. Henfrey had intended to apologise and withdraw, but this anticipation reassured him.

The stranger turned round with his back to the fireplace (незнакомец повернулся спиной к камину) and put his hands behind his back (и заложил руки за спину).

“And presently (скоро; presently — вскоре, некотороевремяспустя; сейчас),” he said, “when the clock-mending is over (когда починка часов закончится; to mend — чинить, ремонтировать; to be over), I think I should like to have some tea (пожалуй, я выпью чаю). But not till the clock-mending is over (но не раньше; till— до тех пор пока /не/; не раньше).”

Mrs. Hall was about to leave the room (миссис Холл собиралась выйти из комнаты; tobeabouttodosomething) — she made no conversational advances this time (она не пыталась завязать разговор на этот раз; tomakeadvances— делать попытки; conversational— разговорный, разговорчивый), because she did not want to be snubbed in front of Mr. Henfrey (потому что не хотела, чтобы ее грубо прервали в присутствии мистера Хенфри; tosnub— относиться с пренебрежением; унижать; обрезать, осадить; сделать резкое замечание) — when her visitor asked her (когда приезжий спросил ее) if she had made any arrangements about his boxes at Bramblehurst (позаботилась ли она о том, /чтобы доставили/ его багаж со /станции/ Брэмблхерст; tomakearrangements— принимать меры, отдавать распоряжения; box— коробка; ящик; сумка). She told him she had mentioned the matter to the postman (она сказала ему, что говорила об этом с почтальоном; totell; tomention— упоминать, ссылаться /на кого-либо, что-либо/; matter— предмет /обсуждения и т.п./; вопрос, дело), and that the carrier could bring them over on the morrow (и что возчик сможет доставить его завтра; carrier— носильщик; /пере/возчик; курьер; morrow— завтрашний день; следующий день).

arrangement [q`reInGmqnt], because [bI`kOz], mentioned [`menS(q)nd]

The stranger turned round with his back to the fireplace and put his hands behind his back.

“And presently,” he said, “when the clock-mending is over, I think I should like to have some tea. But not till the clock-mending is over.”

Mrs. Hall was about to leave the room — she made no conversational advances this time, because she did not want to be snubbed in front of Mr. Henfrey — when her visitor asked her if she had made any arrangements about his boxes at Bramblehurst. She told him she had mentioned the matter to the postman, and that the carrier could bring them over on the morrow.