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Алексей Николаевич Толстой

The hosts had gone into the house, and the guests, after sitting for a while on the verandah in the dusk, silently went away. Хозяева ушли в дом, гости посидели на балконе в сумерках и разошлись молча.
And it was the same everywhere. И так - повсюду.
The cost of living was rising. Жить стало дорого.
The future was dark and dispiriting. Впереди неясно, уныло.
Warsaw had surrendered. Варшаву отдали.
Brest Litovsk had been blown up and fallen. Брест-Литовск взорван и пал.
Everywhere spies were being caught. Всюду шпионов ловят.
The steep banks above the river Khimka were infested with robbers. На реке Химке, в овраге, завелись разбойники.
For a whole week people did not dare to enter the woods. Целую неделю никто не ходил в лес, - боялись.
Then the robbers were driven away from the banks by the police, two were caught, a third escaped -to the Zvenigorod district, it was said, to plunder the estates there. Потом стражники выбили их из оврага, двоих взяли, третий ушел, перекинулся, говорят, в Звенигородский уезд очищать усадьбы.
One morning a droshky, the driver standing up to whip his horse on, drove madly up to an open space not far from the Sniokovnikovs' cottage. Утром однажды на площадку близ смоковниковской дачи примчался, стоя в пролетке, извозчик.
Country women, servants, children, came running up to it from all directions. Было видно, как со всех сторон побежали к нему бабы, кухарки, ребятишки.
Something out of the ordinary must have happened. Что-то случилось.
Some summer residents came out of their gardens. Кое-кто из дачников вышел за калитку.
Matryona, wiping her hands, rushed down the garden path. Вытирая руки, протрусила через сад Матрена.
The driver, hot and red, still standing up, was exclaiming: Извозчик, красный, горячий, говорил, стоя в пролетке:
"... they dragged him out of the office and tossed him up in the air and flung him down again on the paving stones, and then into the Moskva River, and there were still five Germans hiding in the factory.... They found three, but the police got them away, or they'd all have been thrown into the river the same way.... And there's silk and velvet flying about all over Lubyanskaya Square. - ...Вытащили его из конторы, раскачали - да об мостовую, да в Москву-реку, а на заводе еще пять душ скрывается - немцев... Троих нашли, -городовые отбили, а то быть им тем же порядком в речке... А по всей по Лубянской площади шелка, бархата так и летают.
Looting all over the town.... Everywhere masses of people...." Грабеж по всему городу... Народу - тучи...
He whipped up his racing stallion, squatting forward between the curved shafts,- urged on the horse with shouts and another crack of the whip, till the stallion, snorting and flecked with foam, galloped on with the rickety carriage, towards the tavern. Он со всей силой хлестнул вожжами лихацкого жеребца, присевшего в выгнутых оглоблях -шалишь! - хлестнул еще, и захрапевший, в мыле, жеребец скачками понес по улице валкую пролетку, завернул к шинку.
Dasha and Nikolai Ivanovich were in Moscow. Даша и Николай Иванович были в Москве.