And I've been trying to build up a bank account. | Кроме того, я попытался увеличить банковский счет. |
I thought it would seem strange if we bought a house on Park Avenue and just casually offered a trunkful of bank notes in payment. | Очевидно, будет выглядеть странным, если мы купим особняк на Парк-авеню и небрежно предложим в уплату самосвал мелочи. |
It might look as if we'd been running a snatch racket." "Stupid!" said Daisy. "What ?" "You could be pyramiding those bills like you did the quarters," said Daisy. | - Ты можешь производить банкноты в такой же прогрессии, как и монеты, - объявила Дейзи. |
"Then there'd be lots more of them!" | - Тогда их будет гораздо больше! |
"Darling," said Pete fondly, "does it matter how much you have when I have so much?" | - Милая, - нежно поинтересовался Пит, - какое имеет значение, сколько у тебя денег, если у меня их так много! |
"Yes," said Daisy. | - Большое, - сказала Дейзи. |
"You might get angry with me." | - Мы можем поссориться. |
"Never!" protested Pete. | - Никогда! - запротестовал Пит. |
Then he added reminiscently, "Before we thought of the bank note idea, Thomas and I filled up the coal bin with quarters and half dollars. | Затем он добавил задумчиво: - До того как нам пришла в голову мысль о банкнотах, мы с Томасом наполнили подвал для угля монетами в четверть и половину доллара. |
They're still there." | Они все еще там. |
"Gold pieces would be nice," suggested Daisy, thinking hard, "if you could get hold of some. Maybe we could." "Ah!" said Pete. "But Thomas had a gold filling in one tooth. We took it out and ran it up to half a pound or so. Then we melted that into a little brick and put it on the demonstrator. Darling, you'd really be surprised if you looked in the woodshed." "And there's jewelry," said Daisy. "It would be faster still!" "If you feel in the mood for jewelry," said Pete tenderly, "just look in the vegetable bin. We'd about run out of storage space when the idea occurred to us." "I think," said Daisy enthusiastically, "we'd better get married right away. Don't you?" | - Я думаю, - воскликнула с энтузиазмом Дейзи, -что нам нужно пожениться немедленно. |
"Sure! | - Блестящая мысль! |
Let's go and do it now! I'll get the car around!" | Я сейчас заведу автомобиль! |
"Do, darling," said Daisy. | - Давай, милый! - поддержала его Дейзи. |
"I'll watch the demonstrator." | - А я пока присмотрю за демонстратором. |
Beaming, Pete kissed her ecstatically and rushed from the laboratory. He rang for Thomas, and rang again. | С сияющим лицом Пит поцеловал ее и нажал кнопку, вызывая Томаса, потом нажал еще раз. |
It was not until the third ring that Thomas appeared. And Thomas was very pale. | Томас появился только после третьего звонка и очень бледный. |
He said agitatedly: | Он спросил взволнованно: |
"Beg pardon, sir, but shall I pack your bag?" | - Извините, сэр, упаковать ваш чемодан? |