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Максим Горький

The garrulous cook of the land - lord, a sharp-nosed woman, thickly covered with freckles, was like a cuckoo. The landlord himself was like an old fat dove. In fact, they were all like some bird, animal, or wild beast. Болтливая кухарка домохозяина, остроносая, густо обрызганная веснушками, похожа на кукушку, сам хозяин - на старого, ожиревшего голубя, и все люди напоминают птиц, животных, зверей.
Although the morning was so pleasant and bright, it made me feel sad, and I wanted to get away into the fields where no one came, for I had already learned that human creatures always spoil a bright day. Утро такое милое, ясное, но мне немножко грустно и хочется уйти в поле, где никого нет, - я уж знаю, что люди, как всегда, запачкают светлый день.
One day when I was lying on the roof grandmother called me, and said in a low voice, shaking her head as she lay on her bed: Однажды, когда я лежал на крыше, бабушка позвала меня и негромко сказала, кивнув головой на свою постель:
"Kolia is dead." - Помер Коля-то...
The little boy had slipped from the pillow, and lay livid, lanky on the felt cover. His night-shirt had worked itself up round his neck, leaving bare his swollen stomach and crooked legs. His hands were curiously folded behind his back, as if he had been trying to lift himself up. Мальчик съехал с кумача подушки и лежал на войлоке, синеватый, голенький, рубашка сбилась к шее, обнажив вздутый живот и кривые ножки в язвах, руки странно подложены под поясницу, точно он хотел приподнять себя.
His head was bent on one side. Голова чуть склонилась набок.
"Thank God he has gone!" said grandmother as she did her hair. - Слава богу, отошёл, - говорила бабушка, расчёсывая волосы свои.
"What would have become of the poor little wretch had he lived?" Что бы он жил, убогонький-то?
Treading almost as if he were dancing, grandfather made his appearance, and cautiously touched the closed eyes of the child with his fingers. Grandmother asked him angrily: Притопывая, точно танцуя, явился дед, осторожно потрогал пальцем закрытые глаза ребёнка; бабушка сердито сказала:
"What do you mean by touching him with unwashen hands?" - Что трогаешь немытыми-то руками?
He muttered: Он забормотал:
"There you are! He gets born, lives, and eats, and all for nothing." - Вот - родили... жил, ел... ни то ни сё...
"You are half asleep," grandmother cut him short. - Проснись, - остановила его бабушка.
He looked at her vacantly, and went out in the yard, saying: Он слепо взглянул на неё и пошёл на двор, говоря:
"I am not going to give him a funeral; you can do what you like about it." - Мне хоронить не на что, как хошь сама...
"Phoo! you miserable creature!" - Тьфу ты, несчастный!
I went out, and did not return until it was close upon evening. Я ушёл и вплоть до вечера не возвращался домой.
They buried Kolia on the morning of the following day, and during the mass I sat by the reopened grave with my dog and Yaz's father. Хоронили Колю утром другого дня; я не пошёл в церковь и всю обедню сидел у разрытой могилы матери, вместе с собакой и Язёвым отцом.