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Максим Горький

"He is a good singer, but he is proud; he wants taking down," he said, and several guests agreed with him. - Хорош певец, да кичлив, и надо его одернуть,-говорит он, и некоторые гости соглашаются с ним.
"That's true; he's a conceited fellow!" - Это - верно, заносчив парень!
"What's he got to be conceited about? - Чем заносится?
His voice? That comes from God; he has nothing to do with it! Голос - от бога, не сам нажил!
And he hasn't a very powerful voice, has he?" the tavern-keeper persisted. Да и велик ли голос-то? - упрямо твердит трактирщик.
His audience agreed with him. Согласная публика вторит ему:
"True, it is not so much his voice as his intelligence." - Верно, тут не голос, а больше - уменье.
One day after the singer had refreshed himself and gone away, the tavern-keeper tried to persuade Luissukha. Однажды, когда певец, остыв, ушел, трактирщик стал уговаривать Лысуху:
"Why don't you amuse yourself with Kleshtchkov for a bit, Marie Evdokimova; you'd shake him up, wouldn't you? - Вот тебе бы, Марья Евдокимовна, побаловать с Клещовым-то, помотала бы ты его маленько, а?
What would you want for it?" Чего тебе стоит?
"If I were younger," she said with a laugh. - Кабы я помоложе была,- усмехаясь, сказала торговка.
The tavern-keeper cried loudly and warmly: Трактирщик горячо и громко закричал:
"What can the young ones do? - Что молодые умеют?
But you - you will get hold of him! А ты - возьмись!
We shall see him dancing round you! Поглядеть бы, как он завился вокруг тебя!
When he is bowed down by grief he will be able to sing, won't he? В тоску бы его вогнать, вот он запел бы, а?
Take him in hand, Evdokimova, and do me a favor, will you?" Возьмись, Евдокимовна, поблагодарю, эй?
But she would not do it. Но она не бралась.
Large and fat, she lowered her eyes and played with the fringe of the hand - kerchief which covered her bosom, as she said in a monotonous, lazy drawl: Большая, дебелая, она, опустив глаза и перебирая пальцами бахрому платка на груди, однообразно и лениво говорила:
"It's a young person that is needed here. - Тут - молодую надо.
If I were younger, well, I would not think twice about it." Кабы я моложе была, ну - не задумалась бы...
Almost every night the tavern-keeper tried to make Kleshtchkov drunk, but the latter, after two or three songs and a glassful after each, would carefully wrap up his throat with a knitted scarf, draw his cap well over his tufted head, and depart. Почти всегда трактирщик старался напоить Клещова, но тот, спев две-три песни и выпив за каждую по стакану, тщательно окутывал горло вязаным шарфом, туго натягивал картуз на вихрастую голову и уходил.
The tavern-keeper often tried to find a rival for Kleshtchkov. The harness-maker would sing a song and then the host, after praising him, would say: Нередко трактирщик выискивал соперников Клещову; споет шорник песню, а он, похвалив его, говорит, волнуясь: