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Максим Горький

"I say! Aren't you going away? - Гляди, оправишься ли?
If you were to go to Tomsk, now - " Ехать бы теперь в Томской-то...
"What should I go to Tomsk for?" - Да что ж, в Томской...
"Have you changed your mind, then?" - Али раздумал?
"If I had been going to strangers, it would have been different." - Кабы чужие звали.
"What do you mean?" - А что?
"But to go to my sister and my brother-in-law - " - А то - сестра, зять...
"What of it?" - Ну?
"It is not particularly pleasant to begin again with one's own people." - Не больно радошно к своим под начал идти...
"The beginning is the same anywhere." - Начал везде одинаков.
"All the same -" - Все-таки...
They talked in such an amicably serious vein that the Tatar woman left off teasing them, and coming into the room, took her frock down from the wall in silence, and disappeared. Они говорили так дружески серьезно, что татарка перестала дразнить их, вошла в комнату, молча сняла со стены платье и исчезла.
"She is young," said Osip. - Молодая,- сказал Осип.
Ardalon glanced at him and without annoyance replied: Ардальон поглядел на него и без досады проговорил:
"Ephimushka is wrong-headed. - Всё - Ефимушка, смутьян.
He knows nothing, except about women. Ничего, кроме баб, не знает...
But the Tatar woman is joyous; she maddens us all." А татарка веселая, дурит всё...
"Take care; you won't be able to escape from her," Osip warned him, and having eaten the walnut, took his leave. - Гляди - не вывернешься,- предупредил его Осип и, дожевав воблу, стал прощаться.
On the way back I asked Osip: Дорогой назад я спросил Осипа:
"Why did you go to him?" - Зачем ты ходил к нему?
"Just to look at him. - А поглядеть.
He is a man I have known a long time. Человек знакомый.
I have seen ma-a-ny such cases. A man leads a decent life, and suddenly he behaves as if he had just escaped from prison." He repeated what he had said before, "One should be on one's guard against vodka." Мно-ого я эдаких случаев видел живет-живет человек да вдруг как из острога вырвется,-повторил он уже сказанное раньше.- Водочки надо остерегаться!
But after a minute he added: Но через минуту сказал:
"But life would be dull without it." - А без нее - скушно!
"Without vodka?" - Без водки?
"Well, yes! - Ну да!