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Лев Николаевич Толстой

I have been set free from falsity, I have found the Master. "Of old I used to say that in my body, that in the body of this grass and of this beetle (there, she didn't care for the grass, she's opened her wings and flown away), there was going on a transformation of matter in accordance with physical, chemical, and physiological laws. And in all of us, as well as in the aspens and the clouds and the misty patches, there was a process of evolution. Evolution from what? into what?--Eternal evolution and struggle.... As though there could be any sort of tendency and struggle in the eternal! And I was astonished that in spite of the utmost effort of thought along that road I could not discover the meaning of life, the meaning of my impulses and yearnings. Now I say that I know the meaning of my life: 'To live for God, for my soul.' And this meaning, in spite of its clearness, is mysterious and marvelous. Such, indeed, is the meaning of everything existing. Yes, pride," he said to himself, turning over on his stomach and beginning to tie a noose of blades of grass, trying not to break them. "And not merely pride of intellect, but dulness of intellect. And most of all, the deceitfulness; yes, the deceitfulness of intellect. The cheating knavishness of intellect, that's it," he said to himself. And he briefly went through, mentally, the whole course of his ideas during the last two years, the beginning of which was the clear confronting of death at the sight of his dear brother hopelessly ill. Then, for the first time, grasping that for every man, and himself too, there was nothing in store but suffering, death, and forgetfulness, he had made up his mind that life was impossible like that, and that he must either interpret life so that it would not present itself to him as the evil jest of some devil, or shoot himself. But he had not done either, but had gone on living, thinking, and feeling, and had even at that very time married, and had had many joys and had been happy, when he was not thinking of the meaning of his life. Я освободился от обмана, я узнал хозяина". И он вкратце повторил сам себе весь ход своей мысли за эти последние два года, начало которого была ясная, очевидная мысль о смерти при виде любимого безнадежно больного брата. В первый раз тогда поняв ясно, что для всякого человека и для него впереди ничего не было, кроме страдания, смерти и вечного забвения, он решил, что так нельзя жить, что надо или объяснить свою жизнь так, чтобы она не представлялась злой насмешкой какого-то дьявола, или застрелиться. Но он не сделал ни того, ни другого, а продолжал жить, мыслить и чувствовать и даже в это самое время женился и испытал много радостей и был счастлив, когда не думал о значении своей жизни.
What did this mean? Что ж это значило?
It meant that he had been living rightly, but thinking wrongly. Это значило, что он жил хорошо, но думал дурно.
He had lived (without being aware of it) on those spiritual truths that he had sucked in with his mother's milk, but he had thought, not merely without recognition of these truths, but studiously ignoring them. Он жил (не сознавая этого) теми духовными истинами, которые он всосал с молоком, а думал не только не признавая этих истин, но старательно обходя их.
Now it was clear to him that he could only live by virtue of the beliefs in which he had been brought up. Теперь ему ясно было, что он мог жить только благодаря тем верованиям, в которых он был воспитан.