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Unknown Author


Ш Reading

Connect the two parts of the sentences to make them true to the text.

1)    If two people tried to pass each other on it,

2)    Robin found that

3)    So they shook hands like

4)    He was so surprised at

5)    He saw that the stranger

a)    John had a wise head and a witty tongue.

b)    Robin’s sudden disappearance.

c)    was much stronger than himself.

d)    one would certainly fall into the water.

e)    the best of friends.


Read the definitions and connect them with the corresponding adjectives: wise, witty, merry, pleased, fair.

1) laughingly happy; joyful; cheerful

2) to feel enjoyment, pleasure, or satisfaction; glad or contented

3) free from dishonesty or injustice

4) judging properly as to what is true or right

5) intelligent; clever

Ф Speaking

1.    Explain why:

a)    Robin was sad.

b)    Robin was very angry when started crossing the bridge.

c)    they poured some buckets of water over poor Little John.

2.    Prove that:

a)    Robin was a good fighter.

b)    Little John was a good man.

The following words and phrases may help you:

As far as I can see, in my opinion, as the author put it, to my mind.


Write down a story as if you were:

a)    Robin

b)    Little John

c)    Merry Man


Complete the table with the adjectives from the text.







One day Robin met a gay young knight. The knight was dressed in scarlet and a hat with feathers. He sang a merry song.

Robin wondered who the knight could be, but he did not stop hint.

The next day Little John and Much went for a walk.

As they walked along they met the same knight. But how different he looked! It was difficult to believe that he was the same man.

He was dressed in grey His head hung down. So sad was he that he did not see Little John and Much. They led him to Robin Hood.

Robin welcomed him to the Green Wbod. Then very politely he asked if the stranger had any money to give for Robin Hood and his Merry Men.

When Robin heard that the knight was poor, he was very sorry for him. He asked him to sit down and tell him why he was so sad. So the young man told his tale.

‘My name is Allan-a-Dale,’ he said. ‘Seven years ago I fell in love with the most beautiful lady in the world. She loved me too and we were very happy. But her father was very angry. I was poor, and we were too young to marry He promised that in seven years and a day we should be married. The seven years are over. Yesterday should have been our wedding day. But alas! The old knight didn’t speak to me. He said his daughter was not for such a poor man as I. To-morrow she will marry another. He is old and ugly, but he has much money. I lost my love, and my heart is broken.’

Then poor Allan-a-Dale dropped his head in his hands and cried.

‘No,’ said Robin, ‘do not suffer. A girl who changes her mind is not worth so much sadness.’

But Allan-a-Dale shook his head. ‘Alas!’ he said, ‘she loves me. It is the old knight, her father, who forces her to do this thing.’