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Unknown Author

‘I’m here,’ called Robin. ‘I’m all right. I’m just swimming.’

‘You are not an easy man to beat,’ he said with a laugh and helped Robin.

‘Wfell,’ said Robin, laughing too, ‘you are a brave man and a good fighter. It was a fair fight, and you won the battle. I don’t want to quarrel with you. Will you shake hands and be friends with me?’

‘With all my heart,’ said the stranger. ‘It is a long time since I met any one who could use a stick as you can.’

So they shook hands like the best of friends.

Then Robin blew his horn loudly.

The stranger saw many men dressed in green.

‘It is nothing,’ laughed Robin. ‘This young fellow and I had a fight.’

When Robin’s men heard that, they were very angry. ‘If he fought our master, we will fight him,’ said they. But Robin called out, ‘Stop, stop, it was a fair fight. He is a brave man, and we are very good friends now.’

Robin bowed politely to him, ‘I beg you to forgive my men. They will not harm you now they know that you are my friend, for I am Robin Hood.’

The stranger was very much surprised when he heard that he fought Robin Hood. He heard so many tales about him.

‘If you come and live with me and my Merry Men,’ said Robin, ‘I will give you a green suit.’

‘I’d like it,’ said the stranger. ‘My name is John Little. I promise to serve you truly.’

‘John Little!’ said Will Stutely laughing. ‘John Little! What a name for a man that height!’

‘Well,’ said Robin at last, ‘if we don’t get some dinner I think we will all grow very thin. Come along, my little John, I’m sure you must be hungry too.’

‘Little John,’ said Will Stutely, ‘that’s the very name for him. Wfe must christen him again, and I will be his godfather.’

They had a very merry dinner. Robin found that John had a wise head and a witty tongue. He was more and more pleased with his new friend.

But Will and the others did not forget that they wanted to christen John Little again. Seven of them came behind him, wrapped him up in a long, green cloak, pretending he was a baby.

It was a very noisy christening. The men all shouted and laughed. John Little laughed in turn.

‘Hush, baby, hush,’ they said.

Then Will stepped up beside him and began to speak.

They had some buckets of water and poured it over poor Little John. He was as wet as Robin after he fell into the river. Little John looked so funny.

At last the christening was over. Then all the men gave three cheers for Little John.

They sang, danced, and played the whole afternoon.

From that day Little John always lived with Robin. They became very, very great friends.

Helpful Words & Notes

next to — рядом

I have as good a right — я имею такое же право bully — забияка

be fond of — увлекаться, любить bang — удар, стук smash — грохот

crack — треск

head over heels — вверх тормашками

my good man — здорово!

could not help laughing — не мог не рассмеяться

shake hands — пожать руки

the very name for — самое подходящее имя для

Hush, baby, hush — Тише, малыш, тише

three cheers — троекратное «Ура!»

Sherwood Forest — Шервудский лес; находился в тридцати милях от города Ноттингем в графстве Ноттингемшир в Англии