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Unknown Author

‘Then what will you give to me,’ said Robin Hood, ‘if I help you to get your true love again?’

Why ,’ said Allan, ‘I have no gold. But if you bring my true love back to me, 1 swear to serve you truly for ever and a day. I can make and sing sweet songs and play upon the harp.’

Robin was very glad to hear that. He said, ‘to-morrow is your wedding day.’ He asked where the church where this wedding was to take place was. Allan told him it was to be at Dale Abbey

Vfery early next morning Robin Hood rose. He dressed like an old harper, took a harp, set off for Dale Abbey He left orders with Little John to follow with twenty-four good men in Lincoln green. Also he was to bring with him Allan-a-dale.

Robin Hood arrived to the Abbey.

'What do you do here, my good man?’ said the Bishop.

'Why,’ replied Robin, 'I am a minstrel. There is to be a great wedding to-day, I came to see it. Afterwards I can make a song about it.’

‘That is well,’ said the Bishop, ‘I love the sound of the harp and you can play some sweet music to us.’

‘I should like to see the bride and bridegroom first, before I play any music,’ replied Robin. He went into the church, and sat down not far from the altar.

Soon the wedding guests began to arrive. Robin could hear what they said.

‘Poor girl,’ said one, ‘so young and pretty.’

‘And he so old and ugly.’

‘Not to say wicked.’

‘And she loves some one else, I hear.’

‘Yes, Allan-a-Dale.’

‘What! The handsome young man who sings so beautifully?’

‘Then why does he not carry her off?’

‘Oh, he is too poor.’

‘Oh, pity!’

Robin was glad. From all he heard, he learned that every one in the church was sorry for poor Christabel.

At last the bridegroom came. So old and ugly he was!

Suddenly there was a little move at the door. All heads turned. The bride arrived.

She was so beautiful. Her face was sad, her eyes down.

The Bishop opened his book to begin the service.

At that moment Robin jumped and stood beside the


‘Stop!’ he cried, ‘I do not like this wedding. The bridegroom is too old and ugly for such a lovely bride.’

‘Who are you who disturb the peace of our holy service?’ asked the Bishop.

‘I am Robin Hood,’ replied he.

When they heard that, every one stopped screaming and wanted to see the wonderful man of whom they heard so much.

‘Now/ said Robin, ‘Let the lady choose of all these men which she will have/

The Lady Christabel’s face was pink. She saw that Al-lan-a-Dale was standing beside her. She put her hand into his. He kissed it tenderly. She was no longer like a lily, but a queen with shining, happy eyes.

‘Now/ said Robin, ‘we can have the wedding. Sir Bishop, do the duty/

‘No, I will not/ said the Bishop.

‘If you will not we must get some one else/ said Robin. ‘Come along, Friar Tuck/

So Friar Tuck put on the Bishop’s clothes and took his big book.

He began the marriage service. ‘Who gives this girl to be married?’

‘That do I/ said Robin.

Christabel’s father wanted to stop the wedding, but he could not. Two of Robin’s men kept their hands over his mouth. So he could not make a sound. The Bishop and the old knight were so angry that they could not speak. Besides they were both so old that they could do nothing.