Читать «Legends of Robin Hood. Легенды о Робин Гуде» онлайн - страница 4

Unknown Author

4) tried to please the Normans

5) fought bravely till the last


Find in the text the words with the opposite meaning.






Ф Speaking

Comment on the character of the story (Richard Coeur de Lion, Duke William, Prince John, Robin of Huntingdon). The following words can help you.

brave noble strong handsome full of fun wicked poor proud jealous


Make up the words according to their Russian meaning.

-ly,-less, -ness











^ Writing

Describe the characters of the story.

•    Richard Coeur de Lion

•    Duke William

•    Prince John

•    Robin of Huntingdon


When Robin came to live in Sherwood Forest he was rather sad. He could not forget all he lost. But he was not long lonely. Other poor men joined him. They soon formed a band, the Merry Men.

Robin Hood was captain of the band of Merry Men. Next to him came Little John.

Robin loved Little John best of all his friends. Little John loved Robin better than any one else in the world. Yet the first time they met, they fought awfully.

This morning Robin took his bow and arrows, and went to the forest.

He came to a river. It was wide and deep and crossed by a small bridge. It was very narrow. If two people tried to pass each other on it, one would certainly fall into the water.

Robin began to cross the bridge and noticed a tall man.

‘Go back and wait,’ he called out.

The stranger laughed, ‘I have as good a right to the bridge as you. You can go back till /get across.’

This made Robin very angry.

He took an arrow and called out again, ‘If you don’t go back I’ll shoot.’

‘You talk like a coward,’ said the stranger. ‘Is it fair to stand with your bow and arrow when I have only a stick? You are a coward. You are afraid of the beating I would give you.’

Robin was not a coward, and he was not afraid. So he threw his bow and arrows.

‘You are a big bully,’ he said. ‘Wait until I get a stick.’

The stranger laughed.

Robin Hood cut himself a thick stick. He saw that the stranger was much stronger than himself.

That did not frighten Robin. He wanted to prove that he was not a coward. Robin Hood was fond of fighting.

‘Wfe will fight on the bridge,’ said he, ‘and he who first falls into the river will lose the battle.’

‘All right,’ said the stranger. ‘I’m not afraid.’

It was very difficult to fight on a narrow bridge. First Robin gave the stranger a bang.

‘Ah, ha!’ said he, ‘I’ll give you as good as I get,’ and crack went at Robin’s head.

Bang, smash, crack, bang, they went at each other. Their blows fell fast.

The stranger felt he could not stand it much longer. With all his strength he sent Robin right into the river. Head over heels he went, and disappeared under the water.

The stranger fell in after him. He was so surprised at Robin’s sudden disappearance. He knelt down on the bridge, and looked into the water. ‘Hallo, my good man,’ he called. ‘Where are you?’

He could not help laughing. Robin looked so funny in the
