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Unknown Author

So Christabel and Allan-a-Dale were married. They went to live with Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest.

The people talked much about this wedding. They said it was the prettiest and the merriest wedding. And to this day, if you go to Derbyshire, you can still see the ruins of the great abbey.

Helpful Words & Notes

But alas! — но, увы!

Why — как!

for ever and a day — навсегда play upon the harp — играть на арфе

So old and ugly he was! — Какой же он был старый и страшный!


Ш Reading

Circle Т’ if the sentence is true. Circle ‘F’ if the sentence is




1)    The knight was really very poor.

2)    Everyone in the church was happy for Christabel because she married an old and rich man.

3)    Christabel’s face was sad, her eyes down because she didn’t want to marry Allan.

4)    The Bishop and the old knight were very happy.

5)    Christabel and Allan went to live with Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest.


Complete the table with the sentences according to their Tense forms.

1)    The people talked much about this wedding.

2)    You can still see the ruins of the great abbey.

3)    I do not like this wedding.

4)    What will you give to me?

5)    The Bishop opened his book to begin the service.

6)    I will not do it.

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple


1. Are the following sentences true or false? Prove your point of view using the facts from the text. Use the words and phrases given below.

1.    Allan loved Christabel very much.

2.    Robin helped those people who were honest and true.

I feel...

/ doubt... lam sure that...

I suppose that... To my mind...

As far as / can see... I believe that...

2. Retell the story as if you were:

a)    Christabel

b)    The old knight

c)    the girl’s father

^ Writing

Imagine that you saw this story happen and now you are writing a letter to your friend about it. Don’t forget to:

• describe the time, the place

•    describe the main characters

•    mention your feelings

While making up your letter use the following linking words:

Firstly, first of all, before, after, then, finally, but, on the one hand, on the other hand, nevertheless, however.


The Sheriff of Nottingham hated Robin and wanted to kill him.

The Sheriff was a very unkind man. He treated the poor Saxons very badly. He often took away all their money and their houses. Sometimes he cut off their ears or fingers. The poor people went into the wood, and Robin gave them food and money. Sometimes they went home again, but very often they stayed with him, and became his men.

The Sheriff knew this, so he hated Robin more.

But he could not catch Robin. Robin used to go to Nottingham very often. But the Sheriff never knew him. So he always escaped.

The Sheriff was much afraid to go into the forest to take him. Robin’s men fought for him because they loved him. The Sheriffs men only served him because they were afraid of him.