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Unknown Author

Asad time began for the Saxons. John tried to please the Normans. He hoped they could help to make him king. He gave them land and money. He took it from the Saxons and gave it to the Normans. Many of the Saxons became homeless. They lived a wild life in the forests.

One of the few Saxon nobles was Robert, Earl of Huntingdon. He had one son. His name was Robert too, but people called him Robin. He was a favourite with everyone. He was tall, strong, handsome, and full of fun. He was brave and fearless too. He was the best archer in all the countryside. He never hurt the weak and poor.

Robert of Huntingdon had a bitter enemy. One day this enemy came with many soldiers to kill the earl and take all his goods and lands. There was a terrible fight. In the end, Robert and all his men were killed. His house was burned and all his money stolen. Only Robin was saved. He was the best archer and no soldier could go near him. He fought bravely till the last. But when he saw that his father was dead and his home in flames, he didn’t fight any longer. He took his bow and arrows and went to the forest of Sherwood.

Prince John’s men were close behind him. On and on he went, deeper and deeper into the trees. At last he sat under a great tree.

His heart was full of anger and thoughts of revenge. Cruel men in one day took everything. His father, his home, servants, land, money and his name.

Robin loved the forest. Soon it comforted him. At last the tears came hot and fast, and sobs shook him. The bitterness and anger went out of his heart; only unhappiness was there.

In the evening Robin said his prayers and swore an oath. This was the oath: —

‘I swear to honour God and the King,

To help the weak and fight the strong,

To take from the rich and give to the poor,

So God will help me with His power.’

Then he lay down on the grass under the trees and fell asleep.

And this is how Robin Hood first came to live in the Green Wbod and have all his wonderful adventures.

Helpful Words & Notes

noble deeds — благородные поступки

set out for — отправляться

in every way — во всех отношениях

not at all — вообще, совсем

a favourite — любимчик

at last — наконец

swear an oath — приносить клятву

‘I swear to honour God and the King,

To help the weak and fight the strong,

To take from the rich and give to the poor,

So God will help me with His power.1

«Клянусь перед Богом и Королем Помогать слабым и бороться с сильными;

Забирать у богатых и отдавать бедным;

Да поможет мне Бог!»

Richard Соешг de Uon — Ричард Львиное сердце; английский король из рода Плантагенетов, правивший в 1189— 1199 гг


Ш Reading

Who in the text did the following?

1) defeated the English

2) became the servants of the proud Normans

3) hated all mean and cruel