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Пособие прошло апробацию в гимназии 1526 ЮАО г. Москвы.


Many years ago, there lived a king in England. His name was Richard Coeur de Lion. Coeur de Lion is French. It means lion-hearted. It is strange that an English king had a French name. More than a hundred years before this king, a French duke named William came to England. He defeated the English, and became the king of England.

He took many Frenchmen or Normans with him. These Normans were all poor but very proud. They came with William to help him fight. He promised to give them money and lands.

So Duke William stole lands, houses and money from the Saxon nobles and gave them to the Normans. The Saxon nobles became the servants of the proud Normans. So, there were two races in England. Each spoke their own language. Each hated the other.

When Richard became king there was still a great hatred between the two races.

Richard Coeur de Lion was a brave and noble man. He loved brave men and noble deeds. He hated all mean and cruel, and the cowards who did them. He was ready to help the weak.

Richard himself was not gentle. He was very angry and terrible in battle. He loved to fight with people who were stronger or better armed than himself and never hurt the weak.

But Richard did not stay in England. Far over the seas there is a country of Palestine. Christian people in all ages think gratefully of that country. But at that time it was in the hands of the enemies. So Christian people gathered big armies of brave men from every country and sent them to try to win it back.

Brave King Richard too fought for this city. So he gathered as much money and brave men as he could, and set out for the Holy Land. Before he went away he called two bishops. He thought they were good and wise men, and said to them: Take care of England while I am away. Rule my people wisely and well, and I will reward you when I return.’ The bishops promised to do as he asked.

King Richard had a brother. His name was Prince John. He was different from King Richard in every way. He was not at all a nice man. He was jealous of Richard because he was king. He was angry because he wanted to rule while Richard was away. John said to the bishops, ‘You must let me rule while the king is away.’ And the bishops let him to do so. Deep down in his wicked heart John meant to make himself king and never let Richard come back any more.