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Мария Генриховна Визи


The manuscript is dated 15 March 1962. The poem was first published in the journal Sovremennik, Toronto, no. 19, 1969, p. 47, where the first line read: «Как моя душа черна сегодня.»


А. Васильковская: Elena Vasil'evna Glushkova (died in the early 1970s), an emigre poet, writing under the pseudonym Aleksandra Vasil'kovskaia, who lived in California and published two collections of poetry Uzelok, San Francisco, 1957, and Zapushchennyi sad, Palo Alto, 1971.


It was first published in the anthology of Russian emigre poetry Sodruzhestvo, Washington, 1966, p. 119, without the title. The fifth line in the third stanza read: "отойдя от домов, что, друг к другу придвинувшись, хмурятся."


No such line was found in John Dos Passos's collection of poetry A Pushcart at the Curb (1922). Perhaps it comes from one of his novels, or is incorrectly cited from his poem «La Rut' du Temps Passe», where the poet speaks of "shuttered windows of forgotten houses.


A misprint in the collection («глядеть в окошко узкое острожье.») is corrected in the present edition.


With a notation in the manuscript: «Мое, не записанное и альбом.»


Павловск: a city of palaces and parks built at the end of the 18th century near St. Petersburg, a countryside residence of Russian Tsars.


With a notation in the manuscript: «Во время болезни.»


Клана Морозова: a classmate at the Harbin Commercial Schools.


The epigraph is taken from Alexander Pope's poem "Oce to Solitude."


Tungchow (Tongzhou in contemporary transcription): a small town on the river Baihe not far from Beijing. The North China American School was located bevond the city wall of Tongzhou.


Р.Х.: Christinas. М.К.: Liudmila Nikolaevna Kocheneva, married name Bokova, a classmate at the Harbin Commercial Schools.


M.M.: Mania Mutovina, a classmate at the Harbin Commercial Schools.


With a notation in the manuscript: «Written in class.» Julius Caesar's De bello Gallico was studied in Latin class at the North China American School.


Tang Che Ssu (Tanzhesi in contemporary transcription) was one of largest temples in the vicinity of Beijing, built in the 3rd century A.D. and later restored several times.


With a notation in the manuscript: " I." Варим: Barim (Baling in contemporary transcription), a station on the west line of the Chinese Eastern Railway, located among Xing'ang Mountain Range, a settlement and a popular resort for Harbin Russians.


With a notation in the manuscript: "3."


With a notation in the manuscript: «СМУ. Голубой цветок — цветок счастья».


For П.Д. see note on poem 24.


For П. see note on poem 24.


For Hermosa see note on poem 36.


For Галя see note on poem 17.


With a notation in the manuscript: «Из Claremont'a — в письме в Париж о Харбине. Это во СМУ.» The poem was probably addressed to Elena Mosolova; see note on poem 21.