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Мария Генриховна Визи


The manuscript is dated 7? February 1964, Wednesday. The poem was first published in the anthology of Russian emigre poetry Sodruzhestvo, Washington, 1966, p. 117, without title or dedication. For E.T. see note on poem 193.


The poem was first published in the anthology of Russian emigrie poetry Sodruzhestvo, Washington, 1966, p. 118, under the title «Ноктюрн».


E. и В. Сумбатовы: Prince Vasilii Aleksandrovich Sumbatov (1893–1997), an emigre poet, and his wife Elena Aleksandrovna. Sumbatov published three collections of poetry Stikhotvoreniia, Munchen, 1922, Stikhotvoreniia, Milan, 1957, and Prozrachnaia t'ma, Livorno, 1969.


For Eva Doyle see note on poem 9.


It was first published in the anthology of Russian Emigre poetry Sodruzhestvo, Washington, 1966, p. 121, where the poem ends with two more lines: "Упокой, Господи, душу усопшего /раба Твоего Иосифа."


First published in the journal Vozrozhdenie, Paris, no. 215, 1969, p. 57.


The manuscript has the dedication "B.B. (картинка с натуры)," and the epigraph is dated 1967. For B. Bизи see note on poem 54.


First published in the journal Kharbinskie kommercheskie uchilishcha Kit.Vost, zhel. dor., San Francisco, no. 11), 1971, p. 62, without the title or epigraph. Marco Aguilar (1944-) is a Costa Rican poet, who has published the collections Raigambres, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 1961, Cantos para la semana, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 1962, and Emboscnda del Tiempo, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1988.


First published in the journal Kharbinskie kommercheskie uchilishcha Kit. Vost. zhel. dor. (San Francisco), no. 10, 1971, p. 62, without the title.


The poem was first published in the journal Vozrozhdwnie (Paris), no. 118, 1961, p. 62, without title or dedication. The third line in the second stanza read: "пролетали в кильватер, четыре, бесшумно, легко," and the fifth line of the same stanza "как кочующий парус, исчезли за мыс, далеко." It appeared in the anthology of Russian emigre poetry Sodruzhestvo, Washington, 1966, p. 115, also without title or dedication, where the fifth line of the second stanza read "как кочующий парус, умчались на мыс далеко." Крузенштерн: Iustina Vladimirovna Kruzenshtern-Peterets (1903–1983), emigre journalist and poet, who lived in Harbin, Shanghai, and the USA, a friend of Mary Vezey.


It was first published in the journal Vozrozhdenie, Paris, no. 118, 1961, p. 62, without title or dedication. The second line of the second stanza read: "ты таких не видел и во сне," and the last line of the poem "что тебя бы привела ко мне?" М. Маринич: М.P. Marinich, who lived in Canada, a friend of Mary Vezey.