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Мария Генриховна Визи


It was later included in the collection Golulwia trava, p. 19


It was later published in the annual Den' russkogo rebenka, San Francisco, no. 18, 1951, p. 241, where the first two lines of the last stanza read: «и от упавшего луча, / от лунного меча». It was included in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 10, under the title «Ноктюрн 1».


It was later published in the annual Den' russkogo rebenka (San Francisco), no. 18, 1951, p. 243.


Тамара is the heroine of M.Iu. Lermontov's poem Demon.


It was later published in the journal Vozrozhdenie. Paris, no. 215, 1969, p. 57, where the first line was "Когда погаснут на пути огни." It was then included in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 6, in its original from. In Golubaia trava the poem is dedicated to "E.T." — Evgenii Fedorovich Tourkoff, Mary Vezey's husband. Poems 216, 219, 221, 374, 400, 462, and the whole of the collection Golubaia trava are dedicated to him.


This and the next six poems comprise a cycle. The first poem of the cycle was later published in the journal Khnrbinskie kommercheskie uchilishcha Kit. Vost. zhel. dor., San Francisco, no. 4,1957, p. 53, without the epigraph. Liter the first poem was included in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 22, under the title «Мимоходом» and with an epigraph from a poem of Andrei Blokh, an emigre poet who lived in France. The dates of his birth and death are not known; he published two collections of poetry in Paris in 1927 and in 1929.


Dated 18 September and dedicated to K.M. in the manuscript. Poems 200 and 304 are also dedicated to him. In the manuscript the fourth line of the first stanza read «и мягче руки, и пушистей косы».


Dedicated to К.М. in the manuscript, where the third and fourth lines of the fourth stanza road «и больше будет нечего просить, / и лучшего ты счастья не захочешь!» Poems 198 and 304 are also dedicated to him.


It was later included in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 17 under the title «Плач.»


The manuscript has a notation «31 августа ночью, у В. на даче».


In one of the copies of the collection Mary Vezey added a handwritten dedication: «B.B.» See note on poem 54.


The whole collection is dedicated "Моему мужу," i.e., to E.F. Tourkoff. See note on poem 193.


For E.T. see note on poem 193.


Дочка: Ol'ga Evgen'evna Tourkoff. Poem 434 is also dedicated to her.


It was first published in the journal Kharbinskie kommercheskie uchilishcha Kit. Vost. zhel. dor., San Francisco, no. 10, 1971, p. 61, without dedication or epigraph; the first two lines of the last stanza read: "и будет хмурое небо / укутывать купола." For Андрей Блох see note on poem 195. For E. Мосолова see note on poem 21.


For E.T. see note on poem 193.



The manuscript is dated 7? February 1964, Wednesday. The poem was first published in the anthology of Russian emigre poetry Sodruzhestvo, Washington, 1966, p. 117, without title or dedication. For E.T. see note on poem 193.