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Мария Генриховна Визи


Translation of "Ты божий день. Мои мечты" (1902).


For Г.И. see note on poem 17.


Fоr Володя Визи see note on poem 54.


Translation of "Ветер принес издалека" (1901).


For W.F. see note on poem 15.


Translation of "Есть в дикой роще, у оврага" (1898). A misprint ("lies deep below the roots end weeds") in Stikhotvoreniia has been corrected in the present edition.


Dated 5 June in the manuscript. For Леля Мосолова see note on poem 21.


Translation of "We needs must be divided in the tomb," Sonnet XXV from George Santayana Sonnets and Other Verses (1894).


Translation of "Oh if the heavy last unuttered groan," Sonnet XXVI from George Santayana Sonnets and Other Verses, 1894.


Translation of "Свирель запела на мосту" (1908).


For М.А. Зырянова see note on poem 46. The quote m the text «Как много в этом слове / для сердца юного слилось» is modified from the lines «Москва… как много в этом звуке/Для сердца русского слилось!/Как много в нем отозвалось!» in A.S. Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, Chapter 7, XXXVI.


Translation of "Канцона вторая" from N. Gumilev, Костер(1918), and later included in К синей заезде (1923). Vezey translates the modified text in К синей звезде, where the second stanza is "Переброшен к нам светлый мост./И тебе о нас говорят / Вереницы ангелов-звезд,/Что по-разному все горят." See N. Gumilev, Собрание сочинений, Washington, 1961, II, р. 288, note on poem 237.


Translation of «Усните блаженно, заморские гости, усните» (1908).


The manuscript is dated 9 November 1929. In the 1960s the poem was published in the newspaper Russkaia zhizn', San Francisco, where the first line of the second stanza read: «Даже в самый трудный час в пустыне», and the last line of the poem "и позволил песни петь людские?» The poem was later included in its original form in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 9.


Later included in Golubaia trava, p. 16, under the title «На берегу».


Later included in Golubaia Irava, p. 13.


Later published in the journal Delo, San Francisco, no. 3,1951, and then included in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 18, under the title «Самарянин», for which see Luke 10:33.


Later included in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 20.


Later included in (he collection Golubaia trava, p. 11, under the title «В Великий пост» where the third line of the second stanza was «и стану вся прозрачней воска».


It was later included in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 21, with a dedication to «B.B.» i.e., Vladimir Vezey; see note on poem 54.


It was later published in the journal Delo, San Francisco, no. 3, 1951, and then included in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 12.


Later included in the collection Golubaia trava, p. 23. The epigraph is taken from the poem «To Helen» by Edgar Alan Poe.