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Мария Генриховна Визи


695. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Безмятежность

In the mountains I built my chihbi Of clay and of willow branches, And the valley people are mocking And laughing at my idea. They do not know I have found Freedom from care in the chihbi.


696. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Любуюсь дальней горой

Alone on a moonlight night I gaze at a distant mountain. The mountain is more perfect than my love from whom I have parted: The mountain is silent, and no one will make us quarrel.


697. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Я делаю нужное дело

The creator may think that I've no desire to work for the good of myself and of others… But I'm doing something important: having left the malicious, the knaves, I'm standing guard over nature.


698. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). В ветреный вечер

Close the door tighter, and blow out the candle… I'm very tired, my friend, I'm going to fall fast asleep. But should a welcome guest arrive, — awaken me.


699. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Образ родины неизменен

Leaves, falling, wilt and dry; its petals drops the flower, and sap-filled grasses die on scheduled hour. Alone, the image of my land stays bright through autumn days as on a summer night.


700. Ден Он(XVII в.). Гляжу на море

Close your book and open the window wide, look: the ships are sailing away to sea. The white gulls are following after them. White seagulls! If we could also sail far away to some peaceful harbor, where there is no vain glory, where friends alone await me.


701. Син Xым (XVII в.). Вдвоем с единственной своей подругой

Snow has blanketed our village. It has blocked every road and trail. My gate is snowbound. No friend will knock on it. By the window I'll spend this night with my only friend — the moon.


702. Ким Гван Ук (XVII в.). Сомнение

I've left all thought of riches, I've left all thought of glory. I've left all thought of happiness, — I've left all thought of myself… So after I die would anyone think of me?!


703. Ким Гван Ук (XVII в.). Природе целомудренной и целой

I am the lord of the streams and the green hills scattered over the width of the Earth, of pure and (untouched) nature. No one can compete with me, because, unlike the rich, I keep my possessions in my soul.