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Мария Генриховна Визи


687. Ли И(Юл Гок). У пятой излучины

The Forest Screen breathes of pine. — How beautiful is the Ogok bend! A little house stands here, clean and orderly, As if it had bathed in spring water. I know: alone in it, one can sing the enchantment of the moonlight nigh.


688. Де Хен (XVI в.). Милый меня покинул

The raindrops are falling, falling on the smooth lake surface, the willows, the weeping willows are wrapped in silent mist. Where shall I look for you, my young fisherman?.. A lonely skiff presses its stern to the shore. Dusk has settled upon the lusterless water. A white gull darts aimlessly back and forth…


689. Ли Мен Хан (XVI в.). Все прояснится к рассвету

Wait, i am still holding your hands. Don't push mo away, don't leave! I see the night descending, the night of parting, upon the flowers and trees of the garden. But the (stub) of the candle will flicker on till morning, and all will be clear by sunrise!


690. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Вступление

Exiled by enemies to bleak Kangho, In loneliness, five faithful friends I found: Water, Bamboo, a Cliff, a Pine, the Moon that rises over yonder Eastern Mcund. No calumny can sway them toward betrayal: In lofty friendship they will never fail.


691. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Вода

I love the blue sky, but in the sky dark clouds are born. I love the impetuous wind, but the wind is changeable… Only you, Water, always carry away my sorrows.


692. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Утес

How beautiful were the flowers! But now they have lost their petals. The lush, bright-colored grasses Have also dried and withered. Only you, in your modest grey garment, Granite cliff, have remained the same!


693. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Сосна

The warm days are over, the trees have lost their leaves, but angry winter storms fail to scare you, Pine — deep into the earth your stubborn roots are grown.


694. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Месяц

Shining upon ten thousand things you pass over the world. Moon, and your bright gaze penetrates into the depths of a darkened heart. Thus silently into my eyes gazes my closest friend.