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Мария Генриховна Визи


704. Ким Гван Ук (XVII в.). Пусть тает снег и в моем дворе

The hills are green once again, and snowdrifts on all the roads have been thawed by the east wind, yet dark mounds still remain in the corners of my yard… Isn't it time for them also to melt away?!


705. Ким Су Дян (XVII–XVIII в.). Крестьянское счастье

I arose at dawn and went to feed the cattle. Three or four stars were burning above the plain. in the blue-white sky, the edges of the clouds were turning to gold. And I thought: this brief moment holds all of a peasant's joy, all of a peasant's peace!


706. Юн Ду Де (XVIIv.). Подумай об этом

At the edge of the road the feet of many travelers have trampled into the mud a piece of jade. A long, long time life trampled it there… But the jade never turned into mud!


707. Дю И Син (XVIIв.). Сохраняй к нему уваженье!

You can turn your nose up to look haughtily at the sky; you can stamp your foot in anger at the indestructible Earth. But the world is enormous and beautiful — keep your respect for it!


708. Ким Дин Тхэ (XVII в.). Чего я хочу

My time flows like water. But before all my hair turns white, before I find eternal peace, before my life is over, one thing I want: to serve my country and my neighbors.


709. Ким Сам Хен (XVII–XVIII в.). Советы эти не для меня

They say, there's no joy in fame, — they say, — so do not seek it; nothing is sadder than losing your wealth, — they say, — so take no pride in wealth. So they say… But what is that to me? — All I possess is a body and soul.


710. Ли Деи Бо (XVIII в.). Мечта у меня такая

This is a dream I have: I want to become a pair of wings to fly high up in the sky to sweep away the dark clouds that have gathered over the Earth between the people and the sun.


711. Неизвестный автор. Каждый — своей тропой

The hill is green in its own way, The water is blue in its own way. For each his own law. Among the green hills and blue rivers Man follows his own trail Onward and onward — tow'ards death.


712. Неизвестный автор. В часы бессонницы

The outer gate is tightly shut, the courtyard gate is bolted, the padlock is on the door. Then how did you manage to enter in the sleepless hours of the night, sadness, — torturing me?