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Мария Генриховна Визи


713. Неизвестный автор. Каковы у любви очертанья

Who will explain what love is like? How is it measured from end to end? Is it round, like the moon? Or does it have four corners? I cannot discern its shape! The beginning and the end of love are hidden in the fog.


714. Неизвестный автор. Ошибка

A shadow flitted past my window — I ran to greet my love, but it was only clouds that, passing in the sky, brushed against the half-moon. All was still. And no one saw my embarrassment at that moment!


715. Неизвестный автор. В пути

The birds hurry into their nests for the night. Bright-faced, the moon appears in the heavenly plain. You, there, monk, crossing the bridge alone over the darkening stream, How far to your monastery? It seems that I hear the soft peal of a temple bell in the twilight silence.




«College Graduate Writes Book of Poems in Russian», Claremont Courier, Claremont, California, 20 March 1930.

Olga Bakich and Carol Ueland, «The Eastern Path of Exile: Russian Women's Writing in China», A History of Women's Writing in Russia, edited by Adele Marie Barker and Jehanne M. Gheith (Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 153–174.


Бакич. Ольга, «Мария Визи». From the Other Shore, No. 4,2004, p. 73–91. (Olga Bakich, «Mary Vezey»)

Бакич. Ольга. «Мария Визи. Творческий путь поэта России. Китая и США». Новый журнал. No. 227.2002. с. 219–243. (Olga Bakich, «Mary Vezey. Creative Path of the Poet of Russia, China, and the USA», Novyi zhurnal (New Review), New York, No. 227, 2002, p. 219–243.)

Бакич, Ольга, «Мария Визи — поэт России. Китая и США», Revue des Etudes Slaves, Paris, LXXIII/2-3, 2001, p. 373–386. (Olga Bakich, «Mary Vezey — a Poet of Russia, China, and the USA.»

«Библиография. М. Визи. Стихотворения т. II», Эмигрантская мысль. Шанхай, No. 3, 1936. («Bibliography. М. Vezey. Poems, v. II», Emigrantskaia mysl (Emigre Thought), Shanghai, No. 3, 1936.)

Голенищев-Кутузов. Илья, «Русская литература на Дальнем Востоке», Возрождение. Париж. 21 января 1932 г. (Il'ia Golenishchev-Kutuzov, «Russian Literature in the Far East», Vozrozhdenie (Resurrection), Paris, 21 January 1932.)

И.Ф., «Эмигрантские писатели на Д.В.», Русские записки. Шанхай-Париж, No. I. 1937, с. 322–330. (I.F., «Emigre Writers in the Far East», Russkie zapiski (Russian Notes), Shanghai-Paris, No. 1, 1937, pp. 322–330.)

Крузенштерн-Петерец, 10., «Чураевский питомник (О дальневосточных поэтах)», Возрождение, Paris, No. 204, 1968, с. 45–70. (lu.V. Kruzenshtern-Peterets, «Churaevka Nursery (On Far Eastern Poets)», Vozrozhdenie (Resurrection), Paris, No. 204, 1968, p. 45–70.)