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Мария Генриховна Визи


Korean into English (from Russian translations)

671. У Тхак(XIV в.). Так было со мной

Behind the door the candle is rapidly melting, From whom has it parted? Why must it weep wax tears If the heart inside it is burning? This candle reminds me Of that which has happened to me.


672. Шэ Ик(XIV v.). Думаю о любимой

Where the rivulet runs through the green of the cove, I roam, like a horse without saddle or rein. I look to the north and think of my love With longing and pain. The sun has departed and shadows descend. My sorrow alone does not end.


673. Ан Чи Ен (XIV в.). Забилось сердце весны

The north wind roams the land, Sweeping the snow in drifts; Bleakly the peach trees stand, its frozen boughs each lifts. But is useless for the wind to blow: Hear now Spring's heartbeat underneath the snow!


674. Тен Мон Дю (XIV в.).He замарай себя

White seagull, turn away from the black ravens' fray: let them unsnarl their ugly quarrel. You, washed with azure spray, don't soil your white apparel.


675. Ю Ын Бу(XV в.). По поводу резни в Сеуле

In the night a storm passed; Ice caked the earth. An angry wind Broke the tall young pine saplings. Flowers that had not yet opened Will never be blooming now.


676. Пак Пхзн Ней (XV в.). Оно не изменяет цвета

Powdered with falling snow, the crow turns white; the moon's translucent glow pales the black night. Only a loving heart that constant stays will never change its color through the days.


677. Сен Сам Мун (XV в.). Чем бы я хотел стать после смерти

What will become of me after I die? Standing on the top of Mount Pon-ne-san I want to be a tall, straight pine tree So that my green crown May reach the grey sky Even in winter.


678. Воль Сан(XV в.). Когда не клюет рыба