Читать «Древняя Русь и Скандинавия: Избранные труды» онлайн - страница 414

Елена Александровна Мельникова


Cf. DvornikF. Les Slaves, Byzance et Rome au IXе siecle. P., 1926. P. 146.


A. Avenarius supposed that there must have been earlier missions to Eastern Europe as the establishment of a bishopric was usually practised by Byzantine authorities only after the conclusion of the first stage of the Christianization in the country (Авенариус А. Христианство на Руси. С. 308–309). No traces, however, of such missions can be found in either written or archaeological materials.


The translation is cited after Pritsak O. At the Dawn of Christianity in Rus’. East Meets West // Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 1988/1989. Yol. 12–13. P. 94.


The episode is included in the «Life of St. George of Amastris» written ca. 820 by Ignatius, later an archbishop of Nicaea. The text and Russian translation cf. Васильевский В. Г. Труды. Пг., 1915. Т. 3. С. 1–71. On the date of the compilation of the «Life» cf. Sevcenko I. Hagiography of the Iconoclast Period I I Iconoclasm: Papers given at the 9th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies. Birmingham, 1975. P. 127.


Mango C. Eudocia Ingerina, the Normans and the Macedonian Dynasty I I Zbornik radova bizantoloshkog instituta. Beograd, 1973. Yol. XIV/XV. P. 18–19.


Annales de Saint-Bertin / F. Graf et al. P., 1964. P. 30–31. An important indication of strengthening connection between Byzantium and the North in the times of Theophil is the appearance of Byzantine coins in Eastern Scandinavia. Cf. Hammarberg /., Maimer B., Zachrisson T. Byzantine Coins Found in Sweden. Stockholm, 1989. P. 14 ff. (Commentationes de Nummis Saeculorum IX–XI in Suecia repertis. N.S. 2).


Treadgold W. Three Byzantine Provinces and the First Byzantine Contacts with the Rus’ // Christianity and the Eastern Slavs. 1993. Yol. 1. P. 132–144.


Bibliotheca geographorum arabicorum/ M.J. deGoeje. Lugduni Batavorum, 1889. T. VI: Liber viarum et regnorum auctore… Ibn Khordadhbeh. P. 154.


Cf. the tales about Western Viking stratagems based on Christian beliefs or rituals such as Hastings’s siege of Luna.


The silence of the annalists about the Christianization of Askold and Dir is sometimes explained by their wish «to suppress or expunge from the text» pertinent information «in order not to detract from Vladimir’s 988 achievement» (Birnbaum H. Christianity before Christianization. P. 48. Cf. Ericsson K. The Earliest Conversion of the Rus’. P. 98). This assumption would be interesting if it were possible to prove that the annalists possessed information about the Christian mission at the times of Askold and Dir. Their knowledge of this period, however, was very poor and vague. It is even a matter of controversy if Askold and Dir both existed and ruled together or the annalists combined the two (cf. Birnbaum H. Christianity before Christianization. P. 45–46). It seems to be due to the character and content of the oral tradition that survived by the time of the chronicle-writing.


The Russian Primary Chronicle. P. 61. The compiler of the «Primary Chronicle» never states that Askold and Dir belonged to the Rus’. They are specified as Varangians (s. a. 862), i. e. Scandinavians.