Читать «Древняя Русь и Скандинавия: Избранные труды» онлайн - страница 413

Елена Александровна Мельникова


Life of Basileos I // Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Graeca / J. Migne. P., 1863. T. 109. Col. 359–362; Кузенков П.В. Византийские источники. С. 125–129.


The descrepancy in attributing the initiative of sending a mission to Rhos between Photius (he himself and Emperor Michael III) and Constantine (Patriarch Ignatius and Emperor Basileos) aroused a discussion of how many missions were sent to Rhos, one or two. It is usually explained by Constantine’s tendency to distort information about the reign of Michael III in favour of his murderer and successor Basileos I. Cf. Gregoire H. Etudes sur le neuvieme siecle // Byzantion. 1933. T. YIII. P. 531; Авенариус А. Христианство на Руси. С. 311–312.


About the relations between Photius and Ignatius and the attribution of the mission to Ignatius in Theophanes Continuator cf. Кузенков П.В. Византийские источники. С. 127, примеч. 3.


Constantine uses the term archont to designate the leader of the Rhos in the same way as he does it in the 9th capter of «De administrando imperio» (Constantine Porphyrogenitus. De adminis-trando imperio / Greek text ed. by Gy. Moravcsik. Engl, transl. by R. J.H. Jenkins. Washington, 1967. Yol. 1).


Sevcenko /. Religious Missions Seen from Byzantium // Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 1988/1989. Yol. 12–13. P. 23–24. This tale was included later in the sixteenth century Nikon Chronicle s. a. 876 (The Nikonian Chronicle: From the Beginning to the Year 1132/ S.A. Zenkovsky. Princeton, 1984. Vol. 1. P. XXXVI).


The conclusion of a treaty is considered doubtless by some Russian historians on the ground of the well attested tenth century practice to make an agreement after a Russian attack on Constantinople (in 907, 944, 971). Cf. Сахаров A. H. Дипломатическое признание Древней Руси // ВИ. 1976. № 6. С. 33–64; Idem. Дипломатия Древней Руси: IX – первая половина X века. М., 1980. С. 78–81. It seems, however, that Constantine’s remark about a treaty could have been based not on real information but introduced because of his own experience of concluding a treaty with prince Igor’ in 944 after Igor’s raid on Constantinople.


Кузенков П. В. Византийские источники.


As it is maintained by some historians who believe that a special embassy was sent from Kiev to ask for a Christian mission. Cf. Сахаров A. H. Дипломатия Древней Руси. С. 78–80.