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Артур Конан Дойль

"Last Monday Mr. Neville St. Clair went into town rather earlier than usual, remarking before he started that he had two important commissions to perform, and that he would bring his little boy home a box of bricks. Представления не имею, что я скажу этой маленькой милой женщине, когда она встретит меня на пороге.
Now, by the merest chance, his wife received a telegram upon this same Monday, very shortly after his departure, to the effect that a small parcel of considerable value which she had been expecting was waiting for her at the offices of the Aberdeen Shipping Company. - Вы забываете, что я ничего не знаю.
Now, if you are well up in your London, you will know that the office of the company is in Fresno Street, which branches out of Upper Swandam Lane, where you found me to-night. - У меня как раз хватит времени рассказать вам все, пока мы доедем до Ли.
Mrs. St. Clair had her lunch, started for the City, did some shopping, proceeded to the company's office, got her packet, and found herself at exactly 4:35 walking through Swandam Lane on her way back to the station. Дело кажется до смешного простым, а между тем я не знаю, как за него взяться.
Have you followed me so far?" Нитей много, но ни за одну из них я не могу ухватиться как следует.
"It is very clear." Я расскажу вам все, Уотсон, и, быть может, вам удастся найти хоть искру света в окружающем мраке.
"If you remember, Monday was an exceedingly hot day, and Mrs. St. Clair walked slowly, glancing about in the hope of seeing a cab, as she did not like the neighbourhood in which she found herself. - Рассказывайте.
While she was walking in this way down Swandam Lane, she suddenly heard an ejaculation or cry, and was struck cold to see her husband looking down at her and, as it seemed to her, beckoning to her from a second-floor window. - Несколько лет назад - точнее, в мае 1884 года - в Ли появился джентльмен по имени Невилл Сент-Клер, который, видимо, имел много денег.
The window was open, and she distinctly saw his face, which she describes as being terribly agitated. Он снял большую виллу, разбил вокруг нее прекрасный сад и зажил на широкую ногу, по-барски.
He waved his hands frantically to her, and then vanished from the window so suddenly that it seemed to her that he had been plucked back by some irresistible force from behind. Мало-помалу он подружился с соседями и в 1887 году женился на дочери местного пивовара, от которой теперь имеет уже двоих детей.
One singular point which struck her quick feminine eye was that although he wore some dark coat, such as he had started to town in, he had on neither collar nor necktie. Определенных занятий у него нет, но он прянимает участие в нескольких коммерческих предприятиях и обычно каждое утро ездит в город, возвращаясь оттуда с поездом 5.14.