My father had fallen over one of the deep chalk-pits which abound in the neighbourhood, and was lying senseless, with a shattered skull. | - Какое мне дело до солнечных часов и бумаг? |
I hurried to him, but he passed away without having ever recovered his consciousness. | Нечего и обращать внимания на этакий вздор!" |
He had, as it appears, been returning from Fareham in the twilight, and as the country was unknown to him, and the chalk-pit unfenced, the jury had no hesitation in bringing in a verdict of 'death from accidental causes.' | "Я бы сообщил полиции", - сказал я. |
Carefully as I examined every fact connected with his death, I was unable to find anything which could suggest the idea of murder. | "Чтобы меня высмеяли? |
There were no signs of violence, no footmarks, no robbery, no record of strangers having been seen upon the roads. | И не подумаю". |
And yet I need not tell you that my mind was far from at ease, and that I was well-nigh certain that some foul plot had been woven round him. | "Тогда позвольте мне это сделать". |
"In this sinister way I came into my inheritance. | "Ни в коем случае. |
You will ask me why I did not dispose of it? | Я не хочу поднимать шум из-за таких пустяков". |
I answer, because I was well convinced that our troubles were in some way dependent upon an incident in my uncle's life, and that the danger would be as pressing in one house as in another. | Уговаривать отца было бы напрасным трудом, потому что он был очень упрям. |
"It was in January, '85, that my poor father met his end, and two years and eight months have elapsed since then. | А меня охватили тяжелые предчувствия. |
During that time I have lived happily at Horsham, and I had begun to hope that this curse had passed away from the family, and that it had ended with the last generation. | На третий день после получения письма отец поехал навестить своего старого друга, майора Фрибоди, который командует одним из фортов Портсдаун-Хилла. |
I had begun to take comfort too soon, however; yesterday morning the blow fell in the very shape in which it had come upon my father." | Я был рад, что он уехал, так как мне казалось, что вне дома он дальше от опасности. |
The young man took from his waistcoat a crumpled envelope, and turning to the table he shook out upon it five little dried orange pips. | Однако я ошибся. |
"This is the envelope," he continued. | На второй день после его отъезда я получил от майора телеграмму, в которой он умолял меня немедленно приехать. |
"The postmark is London-eastern division. | Отец упал в один из глубоких меловых карьеров, которыми изобилует местность, и лежал без чувств, с раздробленным черепом. |
Within are the very words which were upon my father's last message: | Я поспешил к нему, но он умер, не приходя в сознание. |