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Джек Лондон

He placed a stick carefully upon the fire (он положил палку осторожно в огонь) and resumed his meditations (и продолжил свои размышления). It was the same everywhere, with all things (так было повсюду, со всем). The mosquitoes vanished with the first frost (комары/москиты пропадали с первым морозом). The little tree-squirrel crawled away to die (маленькая древесная белка уползала прочь /чтобы/ умереть). When age settled upon the rabbit it became slow and heavy (когда возраст подходил к кролику, он становился медлительным и тяжелым), and could no longer outfoot its enemies (и не мог более унести ноги /от/ своих врагов). Even the big bald-face grew clumsy (даже большой /медведь/ с белым пятном на морде становится неповоротливым; bald — с белым пятном /о животных/) and blind (и слепым) and quarrelsome (и сварливым), in the end to be dragged down by a handful of yelping huskies (/чтобы/ в конце быть стащенным вниз = сбитым горсткой визжащих собак; husky — лайка). He remembered how he had abandoned his own father on an upper reach of the Klondike one winter (он вспомнил, как он покинул = бросил своего собственного отца в верховье Клондайка одной зимой; upper reach — участок верхнего течения реки), the winter before the missionary came with his talk-books and his box of medicines (той зимой, перед тем /как/ пришел миссионер со своими молитвенниками и своим ящиком лекарств). Many a time had Koskoosh smacked his lips over the recollection of that box (много раз Коскуш причмокивал губами при воспоминании о том ящике), though now his mouth refused to moisten (хотя сейчас его рот отказывался увлажняться = у него не было уже слюны). The «painkiller» had been especially good («болеутолитель» был особенно хорош). But the missionary was a bother after all (но миссионер был обузой/беспокойством для всех), for he brought no meat into the camp (потому что он не приносил мясо в лагерь), and he ate heartily (и он ел охотно/усердно), and the hunters grumbled (и охотники ворчали). But he chilled his lungs on the divide by the Mayo (но он застудил легкие на водоразделе около Мэйо), and the dogs afterwards nosed the stones away and fought over his bones (и собаки потом растолкали носом камни = разбросали камни и подрались из-за его костей).

squirrel ['skwIr(q)l], clumsy ['klAmzI], quarrelsome ['kwOr(q)lsqm]

He placed a stick carefully upon the fire and resumed his meditations. It was the same everywhere, with all things. The mosquitoes vanished with the first frost. The little tree-squirrel crawled away to die. When age settled upon the rabbit it became slow and heavy, and could no longer outfoot its enemies. Even the big bald-face grew clumsy and blind and quarrelsome, in the end to be dragged down by a handful of yelping huskies. He remembered how he had abandoned his own father on an upper reach of the Klondike one winter, the winter before the missionary came with his talk-books and his box of medicines. Many a time had Koskoosh smacked his lips over the recollection of that box, though now his mouth refused to moisten. The «painkiller» had been especially good. But the missionary was a bother after all, for he brought no meat into the camp, and he ate heartily, and the hunters grumbled. But he chilled his lungs on the divide by the Mayo, and the dogs afterwards nosed the stones away and fought over his bones.