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Илья Франк


me (я рада, что вам понравилось: «что вам понравилась я»)," she answered

(ответила она).

"If you're very nice to Julia (если вы будете любезны с Джулией) I dare say

(должен сказать) she'll give you a photograph of herself (она подарит вам свою

фотографию) when you go (когда вы будете уходить)."

"Would you (вы /в самом деле/ дадите)?"

rewrote ["ri:'rqVt] submit [sqb'mIt] charm [tSQ:m]

"I don't say we rewrote the play," said Michael, "but I can tell you it was a

very different play we produced from the one the author submitted to us."

"You're simply wonderful in it," the young man said.

("He has a certain charm.") "I'm glad you liked me," she answered.

"If you're very nice to Julia I dare say she'll give you a photograph of herself

when you go."

"Would you?"

He blushed again (он снова покраснел) and his blue eyes shone (и его голубые

глаза засияли). ("He's really rather sweet (он на самом деле очень мил).") He

was not particularly good-looking (он не был особо привлекательным), but he

had a frank, open face (но у него было честное, открытое лицо; frank —

откровенный, искренний) and his shyness was attractive (и его застенчивость

привлекала: «была привлекательной»). He had curly light brown hair (у него

были вьющиеся светлые шатеновые волосы; brown — коричневый), but it was

plastered down (но они были напомажены и приглажены; to plaster down one's

hair — напомадить и пригладить волосы, to plaster — замазывать, мазать)

and Julia thought how much better he would look (и Джулия думала, насколько

лучше он будет выглядеть) if, instead of trying to smooth out the wave with

brilliantine (если бы, вместо того, чтобы пытаться пригладить волнистые

волосы: «волну» с помощью бриллиантина), he made the most of it (он бы


представил их в максимально выигрышном свете: «сделал бы наибольшее из

этого»). He had a fresh colour (у него был свежий цвет лица; fresh — свежий,

натуральный, новый), a good skin (хорошая кожа) and small well-shaped teeth

(и небольшие зубы хорошей формы; shape — форма, очертание, облик). She

noticed with approval (она с одобрением отметила) that his clothes fitted (что

его одежда была подогнана по фигуре) and that he wore them well (и он

хорошо ее носил; to wear — носить /об одежде/). He looked nice and clean (он

выглядел приятным и чистеньким /молодым человеком/).

particularly [pq'tIkjVlqlI] shyness ['SaInIs] brilliantine ['brIlIqnti:n]

He blushed again and his blue eyes shone. ("He's really rather sweet.") He

was not particularly good-looking, but he had a frank, open face and his

shyness was attractive. He had curly light brown hair, but it was plastered

down and Julia thought how much better he would look if, instead of trying to

smooth out the wave with brilliantine, he made the most of it. He had a fresh

colour, a good skin and small well-shaped teeth. She noticed with approval

that his clothes fitted and that he wore them well. He looked nice and clean.

"I suppose (я полагаю) you've never had anything to do with the theatre from the