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Илья Франк
сильно покрыто морщинами); his skin no longer had the soft bloom of a peach
(его кожа больше не напоминала мягкий плод персика;
его было красным;
splendid eyes (но, с его великолепными глазами) and his fine figure (и его
прекрасной фигурой) he was still a very handsome man (он все еще оставался
очень красивым мужчиной). Since his five years at the war (со времени /его/
пяти лет /проведенных/ на войне) he had adopted a military bearing (он
приобрел военную выправку;
если вы не знали, кем: «кто» он был) (which was scarcely possible (что /было/
вряд ли возможно), for in one way and another (так как по тому или иному
поводу: «одним путем или другим») his photograph was always appearing in the
illustrated papers (его фотография всегда появлялась в иллюстрированных
изданиях: «газетах»;
taken him (вы могли бы принять его;
boasted (он хвастался /тем/) that his weight (что его вес) had not changed since
he was twenty (не изменился с того момента, когда ему было двадцать /лет/),
and for years (и многие годы), wet or fine (/неважно/, в мокрую или ясную
/погоду/), he had got up every morning at eight (он вставал каждое утро в
восемь часов) to put on shorts and a sweater (чтобы надеть шорты и свитер) and
have a run round Regent's Park (и пробежаться вокруг Риджент Парка).
gallant ['gxlqnt] obvious ['ObvIqs] scarcely ['skεqslI] weight [weIt]
sweater ['swetq]
The only thing that slightly spoiled him was the thinness of his mouth. He was
just six foot tall and he had a gallant bearing. It was his obvious beauty that
had engaged him to go on the stage rather than to become a soldier like his
father. Now his chestnut hair was very grey, and he wore it much shorter; his
face had broadened and was a good deal lined; his skin no longer had the soft
bloom of a peach and his colour was high. But with his splendid eyes and his
fine figure he was still a very handsome man. Since his five years at the war he
had adopted a military bearing, so that if you had not known who he was
(which was scarcely possible, for in one way and another his photograph was
always appearing in the illustrated papers) you might have taken him for an
officer of high rank. He boasted that his weight had not changed since he was
twenty, and for years, wet or fine, he had got up every morning at eight to put
on shorts and a sweater and have a run round Regent's Park.
"The secretary told me (/ваш/ секретарь сказала мне) you were rehearsing this
morning, Miss Lambert (что вы репетировали сегодня утром, Мисс Лэмберт;