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Stephen King

bewilderment ['bI'wIldqmqnt], disorientation [dIs"LrIen'teIS(q)n], enormous [I'nLmqs]

“Car fixed?”

“No,” I said. “I hitchhiked.”

“Oh gorry,” she said. Each word was clearly an effort for her, but they weren't slurred, and I sensed no bewilderment or disorientation. She knew who she was, who I was, where we were, why we were here. The only sign of anything wrong was her weak left arm. I felt an enormous sense of relief. It had all been a cruel practical joke on Staub's part... or perhaps there had been no Staub, perhaps it had all been a dream after all, corny as that might be. Now that I was here, kneeling by her bed with my arms around her, smelling a faint remnant of her Lanvin perfume, the dream idea seemed a lot more plausible.

“Al? There's blood on your collar (у тебя кровь на воротничке).” Her eyes rolled closed (ее глаза закрылись), then came slowly open again (затем медленно открылись снова). I imagined her lids must feel as heavy to her as my sneakers had to me, out in the hall (мне подумалось, что веки, должно быть, кажутся ей такими же тяжелыми, какими мои кеды казались мне там, в коридоре; to imagine — воображать, представлятьсебе; lid — крышка; веко).

“I bumped my head, ma, it's nothing (я ударился головой, мама, это ничего = ничего особенного).”

“Good (хорошо). Have to... take care of yourself (ты должен… заботиться о себе).” The lids came down again (веки снова опустились); rose even more slowly (поднялись еще более медленно).

“Mr. Parker, I think we'd better let her sleep now (я думаю, лучше оставить ее спать),” the nurse said from behind me (сказала медсестра за моей спиной; from behind — из-за/онаправлении/). “She's had an extremely difficult day (у нее был очень трудный день)."