Читать «Английский язык с С. Кингом "Верхом на пуле"» онлайн - страница 58
Stephen King
embarrassing [Im'bxrqsIN], cartoon [kR'tHn], revenge [rI'venG]
Her answering the insulting, embarrassing questions he asked with a fixed smile on her mouth, even offering him more coffee, because if he turned in the right report she'd get an extra fifty dollars a month, a lousy fifty bucks. Lying on her bed after he'd gone, crying, and when I came in to sit beside her she had tried to smile and said ADC didn't stand for Aid to Dependent Children but Awful Damn Crapheads. I had laughed and then she laughed, too, because you had to laugh, we'd found that out. When it was just you and your fat chain-smoking ma against the world, laughing was quite often the only way you could get through without going insane and beating your fists on the walls. But there was more to it than that, you know. For people like us, little people who went scurrying through the world like mice in a cartoon, sometimes laughing at the assholes was the only revenge you could ever get.
Her working all those jobs (ее работа во всех этих местах: «на всех этих работах») and taking the overtime (и сверхурочные часы) and taping her ankles when they swelled (и обматывание лодыжек, когда они опухали) and putting her tips away in a jar marked alan's college fund (и откладывание чаевых в банку с надписью “деньги на университет Алана”) — just like one of those dopey rags-to-riches stories, yeah, yeah (да-да, точно как в какой-нибудь из этих дурацких историй о людях, которым вначале приходится трудно, а потом они становятся богачами) — and telling me again and again that I had to work hard (и постоянные: «снова и снова» разговоры о том, что я должен стараться: «работать усердно»), other kids could maybe afford to play Freddy Fuckaround at school (/что/ другие дети, может быть, и могут позволить себе бездельничать в школе;