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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

11. Человек, принесший эту записку, ждет внизу ответа.

12. Девочка перестала плакать только лишь когда мать остановилась, чтобы купить ей шоколадку.

13. Эту воду нельзя пить. Ее нужно фильтровать.

14. Мы бродили по лесу, а луна в это время медленно поднималась над деревьями.

15. Меня упрекнули в том, что я опоздал и заставил всех ждать.

50. Use the personal pronouns we (us, our), you (your) or they (them, their) in an impersonal sense.

1. ... can never find a taxi when ... need one.

2. I see, ... have invented a bomb which will kill people without damaging property. What will ... think of next

3. ...'11 kill us all with these dangerous weapons ... are inventing!

4. ... must not grumble, I suppose. ...'ve had a pretty good year.

5. ... never know who ...'11 bump into when ... go out.

6. It says in the paper that ... 've had a lot of rain in the West Country. I'm glad I'm not there!

7. Enjoy ... selves while ... can: ... cannot take the money with ... when ... die.

8. ... say ... are going to have a hard winter.

9. Do you think ... might let ... have a party if ... promise not to make noise?

10. Fellow-students, ... can only persuade the authorities to give in to ... demands if... remain united. Let... stand together!

11. ... can lead a horse to the water, but ... cannot make him drink.

12. It says in the paper that... are thinking of putting up the price of petrol again.

51. Put the appropriate possessive pronoun or the definite article into these


1.She sat in front of the mirror, running ... fingers through ... hair.

2.'Do you want to put ... coat on?' 'No, I'll just put it round ... shoulders.'

3.I felt somebody tap me on ... shoulder, and then grab my arm.

4.I felt somebody tap ... shoulder, and then grab me by ... arm.

5.He had ... hat pulled well down over ... eyes, and ... hands were thrust deep into ... pockets.

6.She turned up ... collar of ... coat to protect ... neck from the cold wind.

7.He was severely bruised about ... legs, but ... face was unmarked.

8.He shook me warmly by ... hand and put ... arm round ... shoulders.

9.Before you go to bed, make sure you wash ... face, brush ... teeth and put... clothes away neatly.

10.'Let me take you by ... hand, and lead you through the streets of London.'

11.'Close ... eyes, hold out ... hand, and see what the good Lord has brought you!'

12. 'We were stabbed in ... back' means 'we were betrayed by our own people'.

13. They lay on ... backs and closed ... eyes.

14. If you do not want to hear it, put... fingers in ... ears.

15. You look a mess! Tuck ... blouse into ... skirt and straighten ... shoulders.

16. I looked him straight in ... eye and told him to take ... shirt off.

17. The police grabbed him by ... scruff of ... neck, and put handcuffs on ... wrists.

52.1. Choose the right word.

1. Stop patting me on my shoulder/the shoulder as if we were old friends!

2. The snake bit him on the leg/his leg.

3. Munchausen pulled himself out of the water by the hair/his hair.

4. I argued with Sarah till I was blue in my face/the face.